Judge Made Her Decision


Well-Known Member
I am going to go see him in a few minutes. I will be able to hug him. The victim made the statement that my son was looking for weapons. This is when my son lost it. It was a lie. The house was not messed up as if they were looking for anything. The items that were stolen were on the table by the door. He also said that the door was kicked in. The door is left unlocked for their son. What my son did was bad enough. They did not need to lie to make it worse.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sending the gentlest of hugs your way and adding in prayers. I'm so sorry the victim felt the need to lie and am glad the judge called him on it.

So glad you will get a chance to give him a hug tonight!


Roll With It
I am sorry you are hurting. It is a shame that the victim chose to lie, but at least the judge saw those things for the lies they were. Many hugs to both you and difficult child. I hope and pray that this is the wakeup call that he needs and he will not repeat this behavior in the future.

Many gentle huge for your hurting heart, and for difficult child's. I am glad you were able to visit him later and give him the hugs he needs.


Well-Known Member
I was able to spend an hour with my son. They let me sit next to him and hug him as much as I wanted to. He did not understand that he was not going to tyc. He felt a little better after that. He was still upset that the man lied about several things in his victim statement. He is beginning to understand that his actions are what got him where he is. He realizes that cutting off the monitor probably sealed the deal. He got upset with himself as he sat there thinking about why he was there. He has a long way to go, but there is a glimmer of hope. When it was time to end the visit he asked me if I would still love him until the stars fell from the sky. I just hugged him closer and tried to hold it together until I got outside.

Buddy, If he goes to the one here, it will be a treatment center. It is staffed by the University Psyc department and the university hospital system. I am not sure about the others in the state.


Active Member
I am sorry for your situation. I guess that it was the consequences he has to learn in life, but it still makes me teary.

One thing however concern. You mentioned in a previous post that the victim wanted to make an example of your son. I believe that his household must be out of control since he wanted to your family to make an example of. I would write the DHS anonymously. While the victim of course suffered your son will come home at some point and then you really don't need this family to bother you or torment your son every time he passes their house. The victim needs something other than your son to think about and only the DHS can help him focusing on what really should matter for him - his own family.

My daughter wasn't always a easy child but we had some in our neighborhood making it worse than necessary. Let's just say. They are too busy to even think about my daughter now due to something I got started.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Pasa, I'm so happy you got to be close to him and hug him. It does sound as if a little responsibility reality is setting in for him. I commend you for holding it in until you got outside, that remark about the stars falling from the sky is so sweet and innocent, it brought tears to my eyes, he is such a little boy in so many ways. God bless you. You and your boy are in my prayers................many gentle hugs coming your way..........


Well-Known Member
((big hugs)). I am glad that you were able to see him and sorry that the victim impact statement contained false info.


Well-Known Member
I want to thank everyone for your unconditional support. I am so thankful for a place I can come and be able to share what can be a very painful experience. My son has many hard days ahead of him. One of the things that will be difficult for him to understand is that unconditional love does not mean that I think he should not have consequences for the crime he knowingly engaged in.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter whether your unconditional love "should" affect the consequences or not... it "cannot". It is completely out of your control. All you can do with your unconditional love is to support him through the process... and yes, that is a difficult concept for difficult child kids to get.