Kids' dad threatening to call CPS on me


Well-Known Member
Well I found the socks. They were in the car under the seat. I had a talk with difficult child 1 and told her that from now on when her dad buys her something, she needs to bring it in the house right away. She then told me that she was sorry I had to deal with ex, and that he should be blaming her, not me, for the lost socks. Then she told me that he blames me for everything they do. I already know this. When I got the kids taken away from me, ex and I both had to go through mandatory counseling to learn how to co parent. Ha! The therapist told him that I needed to rely on him for discipline back up since I am a single parent. She then told me that every time I had an issue with the kids not behaving, I was to discuss the issue with him so we could solve the problem together. That went to hell in a handbasket. Every time the kids were being difficult and I would call him and ask for help, he would turn against me and blame me for their lack of discipline. Told me obviously I wasn't a good enough parent to keep them in line. Then came the threats to take them away from me if I couldn't handle them better. All I wanted was help with some discipline issues, like the kids not minding, and he turned it all against me. He never holds them accountable for their actions. I get all the blame. Both difficult children know this and they are on my side.

Oh, and over the weekend difficult child 2 told them that I help him put his shoes on in the morning before school. Their step mom FLIPPED. Both difficult children said she went OFF. All because my son's shoes are tight and a little bit difficult to put on. They fit him just fine. They are new shoes. They are just difficult to put on at the beginning. I usually help him with the shoes because we are pressed for time and I don't want to be late. difficult child 2 has a hard time putting them on by himself. He is autistic and isn't very coordinated, so I help him. Stepmom starts yelling and screaming, blaming me, saying I'm a bad mom for letting my son be lazy. When my son tried to explain to her that the shoes are difficult shoes and he has a hard time with them, he was told to shut up and stop interrupting. Her little tirade lasted several minutes, all over a damn pair of shoes. My daughter swears up and down that her stepmom is bipolar. I say she gives us bipolars a bad name. I don't sweat the small stuff like she does. I almost feel sorry for them because they get so worked up over the littlest things. All I know is I'm sick of getting the blame for everything. Sometimes I have the feeling that they are trying to drive me crazy on purpose, but I am not going to let them!


Well-Known Member
And I want to add that he thinks he's father of the year, but he didn't even come to difficult child 1's 8th grade graduation this year. She bet my mom five bucks he wouldn't show. My mom lost that bet. He knew about it for a whole month and didn't bother to ask for time off of work to go. She was very upset at him. All he needed was an hour extra lunch break. He's never been to on IEP meeting, never goes to any school functions, etc. I am SO totally gonna use that in court against him should he choose to take me there.


Absolutely!! Make sure you document EVERYTHING with date, time, event, and whether he showed or not.