Let's play a little game, shall we?



Make sure you never tell him that the trick to making it work is peroxide. ;)

I feel sorry for your bathroom. We had carpet cleaners come in once and they walked right over to the red kool-aid stain before they started, pointed and said, 'We can't get that out.' :rofl:

But, that was before oxy-clean. Maybe try some of that if nothing else works. Or the magic eraser.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sorry-what a mess-I did see it coming-I'll have to be careful not to say that with my difficult child or I know he would do the same thing.
I'm sorry - I read this last night but couldn't respond - (difficult child issues here too... ) Anyway, I was LMAO:rofl:!!! I know it really isn't funny and I hope you can get rid of the stains, BUT when living with the constant stress of difficult children, in my humble opinion, the only way to survive is through laughter...

Thanks again for making me laugh harder than I've laughed in days...:rofl: Unfortunately, I know that what happened to you, could easily happen to me too. I can picture difficult child 1 doing this:future::hammer:...Fortunately, or unfortunately, I can't decide which is worse, I don't think difficult child 2 is capable of doing this. difficult child 2 would probably still be talking to his monkey puppet:puppet:asking it over and over and over again if it knows how to open the package of Kool-Aide.:hammer:

Seriously, I'll be thinking of you and hope you get rid of the stains!!! WFEN


New Member
I am sorry about the mess, but boy is that funny.:rofl: Saw it coming a mile away.

The reason it is funny is that it brought back memories of easy child-15 trying to make breakfast at age 3. Flour, sugar and water all over the kitchen. Her sitting on counter with a bowl. Said she was making food. Took 2 hours to clean it up. Took about a week to be able to laugh about it.

Hope the red stains come out.(I found that the works toliet bowl cleaner will take even rust stains out, but not harm fabric or colors.)(Just put it on spot and throw in wash. I wouldn't leave it on for long though.)


New Member
Too funny. I can easily see my difficult child doing that. The funny thing is that my hair is currently dyed different colours ;) The back under layer of my hair is bleached and dyed dark blue (well light blue now - it needs to be redone) with semi-permanent dye! I love it - it is subtle but really shows when it is up ina braid or ponytail. My difficult child has blue and pink (he calls it red) coloured gel that he can use in his hair to make it spiky and give it colour. It washes out with regular shampoo. The other day we did our (late) Christmas photos. difficult child just had a shower and came out with bright red (pink) hair for the family photos! All I could do was grin and help him wash the excess off his forehead so he didn't look too bad *LOL* To me it is just hair - it will grow out, so colour is no big deal. difficult child got a pseudo mohawk last summer. I don't know what he'll do this coming summer... His hair is so blonde he doesn't need to bleach it first for colour to take. I even dyed it blue once when he was about 3 or 4 - he looked like a smurf, especially as I totally messed up his haircut... (hairdressers from then on *sigh*)


Active Member
I was laughing at this, though I'm sure the mess was no laughing matter when you found it. He thought he'd get one up on mom and dye his hair without having to do the work first. Only thing is, I think the instructions for hair dying with koolaid are found on the 'net, if he wants to look it up. You have to bleach the hair first, and I wouldn't want my difficult child fooling around with hair bleaching on his own. I can see overbleaching and hair falling out in clumps. :ohmygod:

Hope you got it all cleaned up. Who knew what havoc a casual remark could cause.


New Member
Thanks for the Laugh. Even though I'm new here, reading through all of everyones posts makes me feel that I'm not so abnormal and that all kids have there moments.

You will laugh about it one day I promise


Roll With It
We have the Spikers Gel, and ALL of us love it. Well, except husband and my dad. husband will let us "fix him up" if we ask though.

We have some awesome pics of my mom and the kids, all with hair done in colors and wild spikes. It is fun.

There is a shampoo called Eraser, made to take out the gel hair color. But honestly, I would get him some Prell. It takes out most anything, and everytime I have had my hair colored I was warned against it. Like I was warned against using Finesse if I had a perm. Somehow they just zap em.




Active Member
This brings back memories of the time easy child 2/difficult child 2 "did her makeup" when she was 3 years old. I took photos, but it was the only roll of film ever lost in the processing lab. The little darling had not got into my makeup - no, she had found her own. Indelible felt tip markers. I had a set in rainbow colours. She had coloured in her lips with the red marker, painted on eyeliner and big stripes of black lashes, above and below her eyes (like a china doll), scribbled blue on her eyelids (for eyeshadow) and painted circles on her cheeks with hot pink. She met me at the door with her face painted, wearing my high heels and a long dress.

It took some days for the colour to wear off - it wouldn't wash off and I was reluctant to put solvent on her face.

But at least she hadn't stained anything else with her experiment.

difficult child 1 wanted to dye his hair blue (to dress up for an animé convention). He'd already been growing his hair, it was a mop like a Beatles cut. I bleached it for him (with him screaming the whole time about how much it was stinging) and then we put the sky blue colour through it. Over the straw yellow, it looked more turquoise than sky blue. The dye also kept coming off onto his pillow at night and as it slowly washed out, it became more and more green.

He swore blind he'd never dye his hair again, but he's beginning to talk about giving it another go. I'm not sure how well it would go down with his new boss, though...


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