win awards for originality on this board, but including accusing me of turning him to harder drugs that would clear more quickly, by testing him; that I flat out parented him wrong; and am a terrible parent to my other children which will bear out with time.
Sam my son is turning 18 in October. I can't stand the sight of him. Having him in my home gives me PTSD.
He is inredictable and lies contributes nothing to the household and o have heard the exact same gas lighting as you have.
I love my son and how I raised him proves that. He may well have a mixed disorder and we have done everything in our power to support and love him.
He is here while he waits for a long term rehab bed. It is clear that he is trying to sabotage this effort.
We are stuck in a system that declares he is not capable of being in his own that he may well have and underlying mental health issue; but he has the capacity to refuse care.
Well sorry no more monkey in the middle and being the brunt of his abusive drugging life style. If he can chose to drug and party he can chose help and therapy.
We have made it very clear if he refuses long term therapy he can't stay here. We will not docmore then seek a room for him to rent to get him started on his own. To do anything else would be to enable him and ruin three lives instead of one.
You are not alone Sam. Gas lighting can really take its toll.