So, in the past we've tried 2 other SSRI's for my difficult child's aside from the Celexa they are both currently on. Every time we upped the dose from 10 to 20 on the other SSRI's, disaster ensued. They got rage-y and angry and just impossible to deal with. We've been on Celexa 10 mg for 9 months and while there's been no bad reactions, both my difficult children' anxiety is not under control. So, at the suggestion of several psychiatrists, we have tried baby-stepping the dose of Celexa up. I've only upped the dose from 10 to 12.5 and have held at this dose for 2 weeks now. So far, seems to be ok for difficult child 1, but difficult child 2 has been a train wreck this week. I have to think it's been the increase in the Celexa, as nothing else has changed. difficult child 2 hasn't been on the right medications in my opinion since the get-go, but I do think this week has been worse than things have been in a while. So, do I back down on the Celexa? Or do I try to push ahead? One of the psychiatrists I talked with said that sometimes as you're working up on a dose of an SSRI, the anxiety actually increases some before it takes better effect at the higher dose? That seems to make absolutely no sense to me. So, I wanted to see if anyone here has experience with-this type of situation?? My gut says to back it down and maybe take him off the SSRI completely and regroup. His ADHD medications seem to work good. He's good at the start of the day most of the time, but by the end of the day, he's short-tempered and one way or another something sets him off. Sometimes worse than others.
I just feel completely stuck in a bad place medication-wise with-him. We've tried so many medications and none of them has really gotten things under control for him. I'm really down about it and have been feeling a ton of anxiety myself over it all.