Old Hand
I messed up! I filled in the tickets gave to said cashier to print. He prints. Duh me, didn't know it was cash only. I only had debit card with me at the time. That goodness bank was directy across street and quickly ran there. Get said tickets in car. difficult child reading them off, ummmmm drawing for tomorrow. I saw what? No way that is possible it's tonight!! He says yes way, gives to oldest difficult child in front seat to look at and she confirms but also sees WRONG lottery!!
So instead of going back in because the place was insane, I left and went down road and picked up prescriptions and then went to another convenience store/quick serve and filled out the right slips and did the process again.
Let's hope now between one of the two lottery's something happens huh? LOL
IEP meeting must have did something to my brain or this is a sign?

IEP meeting must have did something to my brain or this is a sign?