

Old Hand
I messed up! I filled in the tickets gave to said cashier to print. He prints. Duh me, didn't know it was cash only. I only had debit card with me at the time. That goodness bank was directy across street and quickly ran there. Get said tickets in car. difficult child reading them off, ummmmm drawing for tomorrow. I saw what? No way that is possible it's tonight!! He says yes way, gives to oldest difficult child in front seat to look at and she confirms but also sees WRONG lottery!! :bag: So instead of going back in because the place was insane, I left and went down road and picked up prescriptions and then went to another convenience store/quick serve and filled out the right slips and did the process again. :fingerscrossed: Let's hope now between one of the two lottery's something happens huh? LOL

IEP meeting must have did something to my brain or this is a sign?


New Member
I dont know if this is legal or not... but it would be fun to each buy one and type in the numbers on our ticket...then as a group agree to share....just that one that we entered on a list. If we won only those that actually could produce a ticket that has those numbers on it could share the prize. (so you can't just type in numbers and not be part of the pool).... Wouldn't that be fun? Too late for today but it could be fun to do another day... if it continues... surely we all have earned enough good karma to pool and win some money to care for our families!


Well-Known Member
I must admit that difficult child and I went after school today and played. We sat in the car and came up with some number combos together. He said that since I was buying the ticket, if one of his number combos won he would split it with me!!!!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I got my 3 tickets. :)

I figured I can afford to lose 3 bucks on a long shot. LOL

If I were the only winner, let's just say there would be a LOT of happy people in the world. One person cannot possibly spend that much money in a lifetime. Not that I'd try all that hard.......I'm not materialistic enough. So.............I'd be sharing the wealth.


Old Hand
I actually forgot even more of a screw ups. I had to refill in the tickets before he printed them because I had oldest and youngest fill out one slip and one of them filled in 6 numbers, so factor in that additional screw up before even finding out it was for the wrong lottery drawing! Talk about wow? Fill out the wrong lottery drawing twice without even realizing it, not having the cash, then going to another place to fill out right ones, getting to register at place number two and actually having the cash THIS time but guess what, being $1 too short!!! LOL Are you kidding me??? I did end up getting the dollar thankfully but seriously???? What is my problem today?

I really feel like something is definitely wrong with me.


New Member
I got mega nothing. Well, did have ONE number... I'll give it to Q, he likes tickets and numbers . He keeps tickets from games for the "memories" lol....(doesn't cash them in sometimes). I guess a buck is worth a little fun for him.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Having trouble accessing the site to see the winning numbers, seems to be overloaded. Not that I'm in a huge hurry. If I won the time I get in to check, I'll still have won. Same with losing. lol

Tiapet, maybe you just weren't meant to gamble today?? You had an adventure in a half just trying to buy the tickets. wow.


call 911
When I figured I didn't win?

I went this morning and bought a ticket with all the winning numbers on it.......then held it in front of DF ----------and said -OMG OMG OMG........After he had his heart attack? I called the insurance company and will be collecting the life insurance policy on him, his investments - and now as his wife I'll get HIS share of the family ranch. So in a way ........

Just kidding just kidding..........I told him he's worth more than 1/2 billion. But if he lets me fall into that damn commode ONE.MORE.TIME in the middle of the night? I swear I'm going to do this.

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