Thanks for the reply Nomad.
difficult child was home for a brief while over the weekend. He arrived at 8pm on Friday, ate dinner, hung out and watched tv with us (his former HS's fb game was being televised), went to sleep and left for work early the next morning. He was respectful and clean cut which was a relief. We kept the conversations superficial and light.
He came home from work at 6, showered, changed, packed up all his stuff and left for his girlfriend's parents to attend a Halloween party with them by 7:00. When we asked him about his bag, he said it was full because he had his textbooks in there. He told us he would spend the night at his girlfriend's house purportedly because it was going to be a late night (they live only 1/4 mile down the street-and I am sure he stayed there because he can party and sleep with his girlfriend whilst under their roof). He said he was working in the morning, but would stop by around 1:00 or so and spend some time with us before heading back to school. He said they planned to hit the road before 4pm so they wouldn't be driving in the dark most of they way.
He didn't call or show up. I alternated btwn worry, hurt and anger. I even cried on H's shoulder for a bit. I had been feeling a tad more positive after seeing him but by 4pm Sunday, I was feeling horribly. I checked his bedroom and it was spotless, and he had emptied out more of his drawers. I finally texted him a quick "are you on your way back to school?" He replied they were just getting ready to leave.
20 minutes later, he rang the doorbell and came in for a quick goodbye with his girlfriend waiting for him in her car in the driveway. I asked him how his night was. He claimed they made it an early night bc he is getting a cold and skipped the late night Halloween festivities and went back to his girlfriend's house to sleep at around 9pm. We said our goodbyes, and I told him I loved him with tears in my eyes and asked him to take good care of himself. At my request, he texted me when he arrived back at school safely. I literally became a vegetable after he left on Sunday. I think I was so emotionally keyed up that all my entire body wilted after the door closed behind him. I was exhausted
Of course, that begs the question "why didn't you come home to sleep at 9:00 pm" - which I DIDN'T ask. (yay me - big step) I really doubt he came home to attend a Halloween party with her parents...and I doubt they skipped the hot, late night concert party that was expensive and sold out weeks ago. I also don't believe his claim that he worked from 10-2 on Sunday...we know his boss-he has a rule to NEVER work on Sundays and it was raining all day. (landscape) (difficult child has worked for him for 3 seasons and they've never worked on a Sunday) And I wonder if his "cold" symptoms are really just substance use side effects. I think second guessing him (to myself) will be my new reality until I get past caring so much.
The realistic part of me realizes that he was also looking for a chance to pick up more of his things. I wish I had paid closer attention to what was there - so I would know what he decided to take. They are his belongings though and he's free to do with as he pleases. The clothes he left were old work clothes and clothes H or I bought more recently for him and a couple of H's hand-me-downs. Which I will try not to read into too much.
I did ask him if he made the follow up appointment with his ophthalmologist (about his serious eye injury a year ago) and it's scheduled for 11/17. I think I will drive up there and go with him for my own piece of mind. Plus H and I were planning to make a trip up before TGiving to tell him the "standards of living in our home." His appointment will be a good excuse for a "visit". As a bonus, we realized that we will need to refine our "standards" based upon our experience on Sunday. We weren't ready to discuss it this weekend anyway (and I wanted a bit of peace) and we want to do it as close to TGiving as possible. So, we can kill two birds with one stone.
I am glad he looked ok, I think I was a little worried he'd be haggard or tattooed or have piercings. It was nice to be able to give him a hug and a kiss goodbye this time. My H wouldn't hug him, just shook his hand and wished him well. Nearly broke my heart. (again inside - to myself)
I think this is a beginning of a new reality. And we won't be unlike many other families who have distant, guarded, strained relationships with visiting relatives who drink or smoke or annoy too much. I just never thought that relative would be my beloved boy.