My depressed, bipolar 20 year old son



If he won't get help, you need to. It may clarify many things. Fact is, if we don't get h help and care for certainly can't attempt to help him.

Isolation is not healthy...even here your not alone, and many people are suffering....reach out...therapy, counseling..whatever is available.

You should not be dragged down too.
You matter!


New Member
Thank you mof for your reply- and for the brief glimpse you have shared in to the worries you are coping with for your son. I'm new to this forum but what is helpful to me already is being able tell others whats going on in my family and not feel like I'm a complete failure as a parent or feel ashamed - so many loving parents trying to find the best way to support their children and not giving up or giving in. I can identify with the sadness and frustration you feel. For me it's because I feel powerless to protect or comfort him. What you have said to me makes me think that maybe if I model for him that I am getting some help it may make him think about getting some help - do you think it could make a difference to his attitude? I have not felt able to do things on my own when not working because even if he won't go out to do anything with me I don't want to extend his periods of aloneness - so I stay around just so there are 2 people in the house
I'm glad to hear your son is coming home and I hope very much this will work out for all of you



I can hear your sadness. You can model for him, talk to him...encourage good. Behavior. He is the one who needs to see. I do believe if you get help, it will help both of you.

Your home should be peaceful...not filled with stress, worry and sadness.

Our son comes home can read my raw truth emotions on my thread under substance abuse. Depression is a terrible thing to struggle with.

Your not alone..remember that. You. Need to find joy for yourself...I will pray for you both..Keep posting, you will get more responses as the week progresses.



New Member
My husband and I continued therapy when my son stopped. It was for us to handle him. It helped us-even though it didn't change things and angered my son. My son had no trauma and a very stable upbringing -and he still has all these issues...


Well-Known Member
Personality traits are often inherited. I dont know if your husband is his bio. father, but if not...well, often, if not usualpy, nature trumps nurture. I am sure he had a great home. These thngs happen anyways sometimes...

Hugs for your hurtinh heart.

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