I've always been pretty honest with Tink. She's SO friggin smart, if I lied, she'd catch me in it.
A year ago April, when I was still going to court with DEX, he wsa taken away from a hearing in cuffs and put in jail because he was $1500 in C/S. Tink was not able to see him that weekend, and when I explained to her that he owed "us" child support, I took heat from her for DAYS because she insisted that I put her daddy in jail. He either begged, borrowed or stole the money (he had to come up with half of what he owed) in under a week, and was able to bail his sorry
out. he has not paid a DIME since then for child support.
About 6 months later, on a visit with her dad, he took her to a hotel for the weekend. She asked him "how come you have money to pay for a hotel room, but you don't pay my child support?"
The look on his face was PRICELESS. He looked at me, and I just would not let him off the hook.
SO...he owes all his kids money, but he owes Tink the most. Close to $16,000. And hells yeah, I'm going after it. I don't know if I will EVER see it, but like I said, maybe they will keep him there. And he will stop making babies that he can't afford.