Well-Known Member
Tell him to call your husband, not you. sounds like you need a break. He wants you to send him money. Don't. Will husband give in?
"Maybe if you give me incentive like six months clean you'll rent me a room or something. I didn't drink and drive."
So yesterday during the day he again messaged me - "I want to be in school so I can get a job where I can live on my own. I can rent a room for $400 a month".
My therapist said we should support him with boundaries. I thought we were doing that. I am working really hard not to let him manipulate me. I think I am pretty strong when I talk to him NOW since overdose but I don't FEEL it inside. I am really going to pull away more than I already have. Let him communicate mainly with his father, that is best. He is the stronger one of us.
My age reference was mainly that our "kids" are 10 years apart and I can't/wont' do this for ten years. I think you are right. We need to really set firmer boundaries now even though we really thought sending him so far away from us would have been a huge wake up call.
I really appreciate your comments as well as everyone else's. He does sound like a spoiled brat when I reread these things.![]()
Ok, this is BS. I am from Palm Beach county, lived there for 30yrs. Also last fall, I helped my own son try to find a 'room to rent' in the Boynton/Delray area. Impossible to find anything under $550/mo., unless it's in the 'ghetto'.I can rent a room for $400 a month".
But, I think the elephant in the room is, 'does HE think he has a lot of work to do?'He has a lot of work to do.
Ditto. He might have the desire to be sober, but if he does not 1. think he has a problem and 2. want to do anything ABOUT said problem, nothing will change.Quite frankly, your son does not sound like he is ready to be sober.
But, 'he' has to want the sobriety for himself. Until 'he' wants it, this is all spinning wheels, going through the motions, in my opinion.When he calls I am telling him that his sobriety is for HIM not for us. He has to graduate from the program. He will be in sober living etc. as long as it takes.
Ditto. My opinion is, is that you need to begin coming around to the fact that he may end up leaving the program without your blessing. I am concerned that until he is able to be allowed to experience life on 'his' terms, he will not come to the point to where he reaches closer to his bottom, desires, seeks out, sobriety on his 'own' terms. Not mom and dad's.It is going to be very hard for you but if he keeps insisting that he wants to leave the program and go to school, tell him that he has your blessing but no financial support.
Yes Rebelson. You are right. We have to get toughER with him than we have ever been. We are ready to do it this time.
My friends have seen a change in me this time that they did not see before. I think I am getting to where I need to be. It is not an easy path to change the way you parent a child, although I have been in the process of changing that for five years. That is one reason I see a therapist now - to help me with all of this.
He is talking about literally renting a room I think and that probably isn't possible either - but either way, not happening on my dime.
He wants to be sober and all that goes with it but probably still not wanting to do the work. Hopefully he will get there. He's just going to be 21 and from what I'm hearing 23 seems to be the youngest magical age.
Ah, that magical age. I have heard that the brain doesn't fully develop until 25 so I thought that would be the magical age. Nope. Then I thought that surely by 30 she would get it. Nope.
Now I am shooting for 32.
Ok so he's in there because he has no choice and he's not ready to be sober yet we are demanding he stay there. We won't pay for anything.
Now what?
RN, yes, it is his 1st time in any type of 'official' treatment. He has had many sober stints (6+ month long ones) over the 9yrs, but 'most' of them were mandated (probation for some legal troubles). Beginning earlier this year, I think he was 'getting tired' of the drinking, using lifestyle. He'd text me a picture of a new 'white chip' every few weeks or months...and then he'd relapse. It happened 3 or 4 times back in Jan. thru March - which is when he got real and entered detox. Of course the owner of the home where he rented the room, was an older man who had an afternoon cocktail and would offer son one almost daily. That sure didn't help! I think he realized, "I need to get outta here if I wanna get sober."Is this the first time your son has been in treatment?
They are two different people.
My son has been so much nicer, even kind while he has been in this sober treatment. It just confirms that all that nastiness, disrespect from him during these past 9 'using' years, was from just that - using.When you talk to an active addict, you aren't talking to the addict.