Neighbors called police on my difficult child


New Member

I am curious to know if there are any family organizations in your area that do community and family education, family support and advocacy, etc. It sounds like your police department and schools need education on children's mental health issues. In the USA, every State has family-ran organizations that help families cope with the challenges we face daily. Is there something like that in your community?

You sound like you have a good handle on your child's needs. I just wish there was some way your school could adopt an anti-bullying policy and your police force were better educated.
Advocacy groups do that. They have anti-bullying programs that they hold at schools and often will do education for police officers.

I don't know if that is something you would want to check into, but if I can be of any help on my end finding out information, etc. Please let me know.


New Member
i know i am new here but heres my two cents.

i too have had cops at the door for my son becuase he rang a guys doorbell to play with his son but he didnt just ring it in his excitement he DOUBLE rang it...sending the angry father chasing after him and the boy running home for dear life. the man was a nut and was going to enter my house when a male friend coming over for coffee saw the commotion and beat him to my door holding it shut. the hollering and screaming caused another neighbor who was concerned for my safety to call the cops. the cops heard all about what a handful my son was and when i tried to explain that yes he is a handful and he has conduct disorder i am trying to get help for i was abruptly cut off and my point about ringing a doorbell doesnt give the man permission to scare the crap out of my son and try entering my house without knocking was lost.

letting neighbors know my son has conduct disorder was a big mistake. it meant whenever anything happened he was fingered even when he was out of town. he made a great scape goat.

i recently moved and this time i wont be explaining it to the neighbors, i am opting for play dates with good friends who understand and totally avoiding the whole neighborhood scene. he does not play outside unless i am with him...he cant within 5 minutes something will happen (not always his fault) and i am not repeating last summers madness i cant i wouldn't survive it twice.

sadly this means fewer friends for him but then again he wont take the blame for everything every other kid on the block does this time either.

that is something to keep in mind, once people know your child has ADHD, CD, ODD any of it they become scapegoats and will be blamed for all kinds of stuff they did not do and becuase we know they have it it makes it easy to believe, maybe too easy as i found out. best to keep them on a really tight leash not just to keep them out of trouble but to protect them from taking blame.

since the move i have discovered my son is not half as naughty as i thought he was and all the old stuff he was getting blamed for in the old place is still happening with him gone....wonder who they will blame now?