Weary Mother
Well, so the other shoe has dropped. My daughter is still working, however the woman who was kind enough at the time to give her a couch to sleep on has said she must leave by 8/1, only a few days from now. Her vehicle needs repair or she could sleep in it, but as it is she has no transportation and walked 5 miles yesterday after work, to get back to the couch, only to find that she must leave this coming Monday. In trying to be compassionate, I assess that she needs to keep her job. And get her vehicle running. I called a pastor in the area who as very nice and told me that the job she has (grocery store) is a good job and she can probably make a long time thing of it as they are good to work for. So, after calling a mechanic that he referred me to (the town has 15K people only, no shelters, no hud apartments), it appears that in order to get into an apartment (waiting lists) she may need a co signer due to her bad credit report (utility bills, medical bills etc). There is actually an efficiency apartment open that is in her price range, waiting to see if she can be accepted. I have cried and felt such anxiety and panic over the weekend. Had she not lived it up over the years, spent every dime she got on good times and ran around chasing mr. goodbar, she would not be in this spot. And these problems are not things that you can throw money at (unless you have a truckload of it) and make go away. Please keep me in mind here and shout out any help any of you may have. She is an hour outside of St. Louis in a rural area that help is not available (not even a salvation army).