New E.D. Teacher needs advice


New Member
I was recently hired as a special education teacher for a self contained classroom of students with E.D. This is my very first classroom, my very first year of teaching, and my first time with a classroom of E.D. students. I was wondering if there are any teachers or parents that have strategies that they feel worked for them that I could incorporate in my classroom. I am very excited to have the opportunity to have these kiddos and am anticipating a very challenging year, however, I feel it can be possibly the most rewarding thing I have ever done.


Every student's needs can be different. You might want to read the threads in this forum and the Sp Ed Archives to see if you can find info at least to fall back on in given situations.

One thread you might want to seek out in the archives is ODD in the classroom.

Kudos to you for your preparations. :cool:


Welcome to our world.

I applaud your choice of occupation. I taught in an EBD classroom many years ago and it was a very rewarding experience.

Not too many professionals hang out here because most people who come to this Forum are looking for ways to remedy some horror that their child has experienced. In terms of violating the law, it is more often the SD than the teacher so I just wanted you to know that we appreciate the efforts of teachers who try hard to help our kids



New Member
Hi!!! I was in your same shoes last August....My advice for you is be prepared for battle not with your students but for your students. You will need to be their advocate and you will have to fight gen ed to make sure your kiddos are being educated in the least restrictive environment with mods and accomodations. What I learned was to keep my classroom behavior plan simple...I tried every fancy thing you can think of but what worked was silent lunch, moving their clips down a color and having their daily conduct grade effected. However always allow your students the chance to move back little one melts because he doesn't want to complete their task so their clip gets moved down a color. When they get it together move the clip back up. I also did 2 conduct grades a day one in the am and one in the pm. Behaviors that were dangerous resulted in conduct garde for that portion of the day being lowered regardless. I was lucky and had supportive parents so the conduct grades meant something at home for my students. I am an open book just ask if you need anything. One last tid bit....never let them see you sweat and when you have to pick between crying and laughing laugh.


Active Member
"Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Tantrums, Rage and Meltdowns" can give a good start. You can adapt a lot of these things for different issues/syndromes/diagnosis. The authors are Brenda Smith Myles and Jack Southwick.

Hope this helps!


New Member
So happy to hear someone that wants to go into the field! I taught severe ED junior/high school age kids from the inner city for 17 years and loved every minute of it! They are the most challenging and unique children in my humble opinion.

My advice to you would be to first and foremost create a feeling of "family" within the classroom. Keep your rules to a minimum of 4-5 and state them positively such as 1. One person speaks at a time, 2. Respect others property and opinions, 3. Follow directions the first time, and 4. Have fun. Allow for the kids to make choices and have some control in the classroom. So often the kids don't have control over much and they tend to then fight for control.

Call each parent within the first week and tell them how wonderful you think their son/daughter is and how you are looking forward to a successful school year. Let them know you have an open door policy and look forward to their input.

Be sure to recognize their strengths and not dwell on their weaknesses. Be firm, consistent, yet loving and caring. They can pick out a phony in no time!

Will you use a behavior management system? Our whole school was on a system of earning points, that works well. Each period they were able to earn points for behavior, task, and then one individual goal of theirs such as positive self-talk, appropriate language, etc. The total points for the period was 2 in each area. They bank the points and then can use them to buy small items and earn privileges.

It's much easier to start off strict and loosen the reigns rather than start off loose and tighten the reigns.

I'd be happy to share more information with you if you need anything else. Best of luck to you!!! Enjoy the kids!![color:#CC66CC][/color]