New to Forum and Desperate for Direction


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the boards Sarah!

Glad you dont' feel so along anymore.

When you get a chance, fill in the "My Profile" section of "my stuff" so you won't have to repeat all the answers to all of our questions. If you need help just check out the FAQ section in the upper right hand corner.

You'll find lots of shoulders to cry on and a lot of warrior moms to lift you up, when you need it. Welcome!


New Member
I wanted to add a welcome.
We had school issues as well. They didn't want to test Corey and put me off for a year and then I came here...
If you want the school district to test, send a registered letter, they have 90 days to complete testing after the request is made.
AdHD and ODD are considered "other health impairments" for the IEP. Check out the Special Education section. Martie and the Moms over there are a great help...I'm only repeating what they taught me.
don't take anything the school district tells you at face value, I usually check with someone, they do not like to spend money.