Well-Known Member
My darling husband Jabberwocky always says his is to not make any New Year's resolutions. He manages to keep it every year.
Me? I usually say no pre-marital sex and no hard drugs. (Yes, that's a joke since I'm married and never have done drugs.)
This year however, I actually AM going to be serious about attempting to lose some weight and get in better shape. I mean, I'm in shape now - if you count ROUND as a shape - but I'd like to actually do a flight of stairs without having a heart attack. I weigh almost my all-time high weight...and that's a BIG number! Jabber is the same. We've both gained and gained over the last 7 years or so. We like food! We really love carbs and Jabber in particular LOVES his sugar! Sugar does not love us - he's mildly diabetic and I'm pre-diabetic and our eating habits HAVE to change. Tonight, we're going to the first of six Whole30 Reset classes which is actually done through a local hospital. I always thought of Whole30 as a bit of a fad - like Paleo/Keto/Raw Food/etc. - and really, it is a bit. I mean, the authors of this plan claim it'll cure everything from diabetes to autism, which is totally BS, BUT - If living without grains, dairy and sugar for 30 days breaks us from nabbing that late night bowl of Capt'n Crunch or Jabber buying ice cream every shopping trip - then it'll be worth it. Living on meat and vegetables - we can't really help but lose a little weight. It's a start.
Also, I'm going to endeavor to get to work on time. I'm blessed with a job that allows me to be a few late if necessary - AND I live 7 minutes away - so I'm pretty much always 7 to 10- minutes late. LOL! Getting to work should not be that hard.
Anybody else working on something NON-kid related this year?
This year however, I actually AM going to be serious about attempting to lose some weight and get in better shape. I mean, I'm in shape now - if you count ROUND as a shape - but I'd like to actually do a flight of stairs without having a heart attack. I weigh almost my all-time high weight...and that's a BIG number! Jabber is the same. We've both gained and gained over the last 7 years or so. We like food! We really love carbs and Jabber in particular LOVES his sugar! Sugar does not love us - he's mildly diabetic and I'm pre-diabetic and our eating habits HAVE to change. Tonight, we're going to the first of six Whole30 Reset classes which is actually done through a local hospital. I always thought of Whole30 as a bit of a fad - like Paleo/Keto/Raw Food/etc. - and really, it is a bit. I mean, the authors of this plan claim it'll cure everything from diabetes to autism, which is totally BS, BUT - If living without grains, dairy and sugar for 30 days breaks us from nabbing that late night bowl of Capt'n Crunch or Jabber buying ice cream every shopping trip - then it'll be worth it. Living on meat and vegetables - we can't really help but lose a little weight. It's a start.
Also, I'm going to endeavor to get to work on time. I'm blessed with a job that allows me to be a few late if necessary - AND I live 7 minutes away - so I'm pretty much always 7 to 10- minutes late. LOL! Getting to work should not be that hard.
Anybody else working on something NON-kid related this year?