I don't know ... I think, in a way, I saw this coming.
My own "kids" are now 34 and 29 and I raised them very differently from what I've seen in the last 15 years or so. When mine were growing up I think I was a very loving and attentive parent, but also very firm and no-nonsense - they knew who was in charge and they knew it wasn't them! I was not their "friend", I was their "parent". I did my darndest to raise them to be responsible and respectful, to be polite and considerate of others. They got plenty of love and plenty of well deserved appreciation for their real accomplishments, but they did not grow up thinking that the sun rose and set on THEM! Of course, there were problems - everybody has problems, and at our house things were even more complicated because of an alcoholic father. But they both grew up to become very decent, kind, honest, hardworking adults that I am very proud of. And neither of them had the idea that the world owes them anything - just because they exist.
But somehow in the last several years the whole focus of raising children has shifted to building and protecting their self-esteem at all costs, glorifying them and heaping unearned praise on them to the point that they become obnoxious, disrespectful little dictators who think the planets revolve around THEM! They are "SPECIAL", not because of anything they have done or accomplished, but merely because they exist! Of course, not all parents are like this, but it seems to have become the accepted way to raise children now. Parents hover over their kids, showering them with lavish praise for the tiniest accomplishment, yelling "Good job!" and applauding every time the kid eats a bite of food or sits down in a chair without falling out of it! And you must not ever raise your voice or express displeasure when they do something they shouldn't - you might damage their precious "self-esteem" - they must feel good about themselves, no matter what. What these people don't realize is that when kids get that bad feeling about something they have done that they shouldn't, that's the beginnings of a conscience and that's a GOOD thing, but the parents don't allow that to happen! And it has carried over to the schools where the teachers are not really alowed to discipline any more and kids do whatever they want to because they know there are no consequences. And if they don't do the work and don't know the material, they are passed anyway because they don't want to damage their precious "self-esteem" and make them feel bad about themselves! Well, if they easily blew off their school work and didn't pass when they could have, they SHOULD feel bad about themselvesl! But there are no consequences for anything, no learning and growing from experiencing the consequences of the bad choices they have made. If you've ever seen groups of rude, obnoxious teenagers strutting through a mall, you know that a lack of self-esteem is definitely NOT their problem! Again, certainly not all of them, but a lot.
I once watched as an embarassed, well-meaning but clueless young mother tried to contend with her horrendous three year old son in a waiting room! He was running wild through the room, slinging magazines off the tables and being rude and obnoxious. She would catch up with him and talk to him in this sweet, soft tone, trying to reason with him and explain to him why he shouldn't do that ... then she would say to him "OK?" I cringed visibly when I heard that "OK?" She was leaving it up to him! And of course, since she gave him a choice, he chose to continue running and slinging magazines around the room! Then she'd chase him around the room again, talk to him in that soft, sweet tone, then said "OK?" Then he'd run off again! Very easy to see who was in charge here and it definitely wasn't her! She was almost in tears and really didn't know what else to do! I hate it when people say, "If that was MY kid... " but I wasn't the only one in that room who was gripping the chair to keep from taking that kid in hand! If one of mine had tried that at that age, first they would have been made to pick up all the magazines and fix the mess they made, then their little butts would have been put firmly in the chair and they would have been told that they would stay there until I told them they could get up! But maybe that's just me ...