Difficult Child is now in a condo about ten minutes from our home. We were helpful in making that happen.
We had a crazy first week, largely because of her very peculiar (and worse) friends.
BUT.... That is not the main purpose of this thread.
Our Difficult Child has made friends with a professional woman! I'm in shock. I'm most grateful. But, a little ???? For the purpose of privacy , I won't say what profession but like a licensed Engineer, Nutritionist, Lawyer, Architect etc. She is successfully self employed.
She is a good 12 years older than Difficult Child and I think a widow. She lives between our two homes. She struggles with computer programs, something Difficult Child is good at and pays Difficult Child a few dollars to fix computer issues etc.
Talk about a Gift from G-d!
This woman has convinced Difficult Child to get rid of most of her friends. She says they are low lives (that is kinda true).
I just don't know what to make if this, but I'm grateful a stable person has shown an interest in her. She takes Difficult Child to lunch etc.
Small catch: This nice woman is also caring for her young cousin who has a drug problem so sometimes she seems to have our daughter sort of "babysit" him at her home. One time she asked Difficult Child to accompany him to his therapy to make sure he went. So far, it hasn't been excessive and there has been more give than take.
She also gives Difficult Child old ( but nice) clothes etc.
Any thoughts?
We had a crazy first week, largely because of her very peculiar (and worse) friends.
BUT.... That is not the main purpose of this thread.
Our Difficult Child has made friends with a professional woman! I'm in shock. I'm most grateful. But, a little ???? For the purpose of privacy , I won't say what profession but like a licensed Engineer, Nutritionist, Lawyer, Architect etc. She is successfully self employed.
She is a good 12 years older than Difficult Child and I think a widow. She lives between our two homes. She struggles with computer programs, something Difficult Child is good at and pays Difficult Child a few dollars to fix computer issues etc.
Talk about a Gift from G-d!
This woman has convinced Difficult Child to get rid of most of her friends. She says they are low lives (that is kinda true).
I just don't know what to make if this, but I'm grateful a stable person has shown an interest in her. She takes Difficult Child to lunch etc.
Small catch: This nice woman is also caring for her young cousin who has a drug problem so sometimes she seems to have our daughter sort of "babysit" him at her home. One time she asked Difficult Child to accompany him to his therapy to make sure he went. So far, it hasn't been excessive and there has been more give than take.
She also gives Difficult Child old ( but nice) clothes etc.
Any thoughts?