call 911
Caseworker called me today - asked how Dude was doing. Actually already KNEW how he was doing but was getting my opinion, and didn't tell me he had talked to DUde or the foster parents. (sneaky but I have nothing to hide)
For the last 6 months - they've been trying to cut DUde from the program. We have fought for this NOT to happen so that he still has help, and they are supposed to be helping Dude get his SSI - without them in the picture it's a toss if he would get it or not. But they've been trying to get rid of him because of lack of progress....UGH...wouldn't you keep a child who was trying but not quite making it?
Okay so ffwd to today and he says that there are people in the agency that want to close his case, BUT since he's gone from who he was at age 10 - to NOW at 18 and working, going to school - and getting along in his foster home and in the community, the case for trial was dropped - NOW he's fighting to keep him.
? WHY????
Because it's a success story that will keep their program afloat.......
OMG NOW I've heard everything.
THey can actually take the huge (2nd hugest case file they have) and go to the budget and control board and the governor and say "Look what WE did." we need more funds to keep this program open.
WE.......uh rofl......spitting on my monitor funny. But yes - now HE is pushing to keep him IN the program......
WOnders may NEVER CEASE......

For the last 6 months - they've been trying to cut DUde from the program. We have fought for this NOT to happen so that he still has help, and they are supposed to be helping Dude get his SSI - without them in the picture it's a toss if he would get it or not. But they've been trying to get rid of him because of lack of progress....UGH...wouldn't you keep a child who was trying but not quite making it?
Okay so ffwd to today and he says that there are people in the agency that want to close his case, BUT since he's gone from who he was at age 10 - to NOW at 18 and working, going to school - and getting along in his foster home and in the community, the case for trial was dropped - NOW he's fighting to keep him.
? WHY????
Because it's a success story that will keep their program afloat.......
OMG NOW I've heard everything.
THey can actually take the huge (2nd hugest case file they have) and go to the budget and control board and the governor and say "Look what WE did." we need more funds to keep this program open.
WE.......uh rofl......spitting on my monitor funny. But yes - now HE is pushing to keep him IN the program......
WOnders may NEVER CEASE......