Before the arrival of my dear difficult children, I used to be one of "those" people who always wondered why those parents didn't do anything about the "horrible screaming brat" in the store. Then a few months after the twins came, we were in the store and J wanted a candy. I told her that we were not getting any now and IT began. I was in the checkout line and thought that I had to finish my shopping (now I know that I should have just left- live and learn,huh?). She kept it up thru the checking out and all the way to the car and home. I had never been so mortified in all my life. I just knew that everyone around me assumed that I was one of those parents that said no but then gave in when the child tantrumed (because that is what I always assumed). Needless to say, I gained a whole new understanding and empathy for other parents that day and it has just continued to grow over the past 3 years!