Old timer could really use the power of the board


Well-Known Member
Deb if they don't give him his license back there is no one that they would. I can imagine how nervous you all are waiting. Keeping him and you in my prayers.


Active Member
TL, I remember back in the day being in your shoes, and yes, any glimmer of hope that there would be light at the end of the tunnel was wonderful to hear.
DDD, selfishly, I too want to come to Florida and have that get together! ;)
Nancy, I truly believe that he's doing everything he could possibly be doing, so am cautiously hopeful.

Thanks again for the support.


Well-Known Member
I've been hoping and praying that the Judge in your son's case would see fit to give him back his license ever since I saw your post from my Iphone. Sure hope you all will be getting the good news soon!

Hugs and love,