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difficult child has been out a week today. He still isn't on medcation they could not get him a regular doctor's visit until October 4. and he isn't set up for a Physciatrist until the end of October. He is doing Ok as far as I am told but he had a very bad day on tuesday. His case worker said that she was able to talk things out with difficult child and he seemed better afterwards but didn't go into specifics. I still get a queazy stomach when I think about the situation. I try to stay detached but it is hard. I find that I have alot of anger just below the surface. It is not toward my difficult child but rather toward the impersonal system that seems to only set him up for failure. Here he has the best insurance available and he still cannot get a timely psychiatrist appointment. He has to wait 6 weeks with no medications and if he has an episode he will be sent back to jail. How sick is that? How is a parent supposed to stay detached when their difficult child is willing to be compliant but the system is so sluggish he might well be doomed before he gets what he needs? It makes me so angry! The system has failed my difficult child all his life. don't get me wrong he got services but they were inadequate. He had a psychiatrist but he couldn't see past the adoption to consider other diagnosis's. And that was with me fighting every inch of the way to get difficult child what he needed.... ARGH! Going to go say the Serenity prayer again. RM