That woman is more than a little creepy and it looks like she is persuing him!
I don't think men look at things like that the same way that women do. There have been cases in the local news very much like that, a female teacher having a sexual relationship with young male students, and in all cases, SHE was the one that was the aggressor, coming on to the boys. When the cases went to trial, the stories were carried in the newspaper and the responses in the reader's forums on the newspapers' website were just unbelievable! Most of the responses from the men were along the lines of, "Way to go, kid!", or "I wish they had teachers like that when I was in school"! Of course, this wasn't THEIR son! These same men, if it had been an older male teacher and a female student, would probably have been yelling, "String him up!" The responses from the women readers was completely different. Most were agast and horrified and saw it for what it really was - an older person in a position of authority who was taking advantage of a young student with no thought for the affect it was having on the child!
I have both a son and a daughter. And, when they were in high school, I would have been equally outraged to find out that a female teacher was having a relationship with my son as I would have been to find out that my daughter was involved with a male teacher. There is no difference, and both are illegal!