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My goodness, how similar our stories.The 18 year old doesn’t want to live with my fiancé. We’ve been together for over six years but my son has never liked him. My son even attacked him once swinging a suitcase hitting him over the head. Surprising that man has stayed with me after some of what he’s endured! My son is not opposed to work. He likes to work but doesn’t want to pay any rent or bills. I do think one day he will change his mind. If he’s willing to do as asked we’ll let him. He’s planning on living in his car so the future will be interesting.
The 21 year old is about to be on probation too for a DWI. He doesn’t want to get rid of his dog so same story with him. He’s got this plan he’s going to buy some land in Arkansas and transfer his probation and build a cabin.. If he asks to live with us we’ll let him also if he agrees to do what we’ve asked.

So I guess what I am trying to say is your children and mine it’s definitely time. We need to absolutely step back in a big way. For me? My decision is not letting her come back home when she gets out of jail, have also gone no contact. Have not seen her in over a year now, she went no contact with us until that call from jail. I am not saying you should do the same but, let them figure it out. Your 18 year old loves to work, living out of a car is actually doable and not so bad if they choose to do it right. My daughter did not want to work, she did drugs and drank alcohol, she wanted the party life with no money to keep her going. Snooping on her Facebook said she became an exotic dancer and showed a picture of her with a wad of dollars spread out. Gave up 2 good jobs for that!! But, this was the life she wanted to lead living out of her car. Your 21 year old might say anything, as my daughter did, to live with you….am sure you know this already. But this time if this happens you just don’t agree on “rules” that they never follow. How about, you can live with us for 6 months, work and save your money, get your own place to stay. And stick with it, kick him out in 6 months time if he does not follow YOUR rules.

You deserve as well as I for this nightmare to stop! I am almost 60 years old and this has given me my strength at this time. I don’t want to live whatever time is left on this earth dealing with my daughter….ENOUGH! It surely has broken my heart though in going no contact. I tell you from experience, please consider letting them do it on their own. Set those boundaries and let them know you’re not going to take this anymore and stick with it. I told my daughter last year….you leave us don’t call when you get in jail again we are no longer going to help you. She gave me a sideways sly look on her face and smiled. She said, you will help me because you love me. I said I do love you but, we cannot do this anymore.
You got this, give yourself a break. What’s the harm in setting them free? See how they fly on their own? Some still have contact with their children but, do not support their life choices. I choose no contact because I am weak and easily manipulated, I know this now.