When my son was out of control(of course, he was much younger than yours)while hospitilized I said I refuse to take him home, what are you!!!! going to do to help me. Our youth & family services had to place him in a residential program and medicaid paid for it. I was never accused of abandoing my child and because I asked them for help, I had no problems. The police were involved with me(for an incident that happened at school, but he was barely 12), he is now 19,anyway, I asked them to take him to our local hospital. for a screening and not juv.detention because he didn't need that, he needed a safe place where he could get medications,etc. and be away from me. They were good about it and realized I wa sonly trying to help him. I work in the system and understand 17 year olds are hard to palce, but your youth and familly services must place him if he is out of control; why did you bring him home from the hospital? I refused to bring my son home and they billed me to the tune of $1500.00 per day, had a bill of $45,000.00 and I said medicaid must pay because he can not come home. They apid retroactivally and I would not let them intidimate me. I said take me to court for whateve ryou want, I can not control my son and he is a danger to himself and others. I had no problems, 2 times with a placement and I don't believe the police is the way to go, other than to have them call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. They must keep him if he is a danger to you, and he is and youth and family services must!!!!! find a place for him. Tell them what they are to do and do not back down, I had no problems but maybe because I work in the field.Still, I was the other side of the fence but I stood my ground. NJ is good if they realize you know what you are talking about.
Good luck, but do something, throwing him out will not help and putting him on the street will not either, he needs help.