please give me suggestions for IEP


fighting for his rights
I need some suggestions for getting help for my 14 year old who has adhd, low self esteem, depression, and conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder. He needs some kind of help from the school to teach him skills! I don't know what to skills training, anger anger management skills, problem solving skills, and what? Who should be responsible for making sure it gets done? Who should provide these skills? Please help me by offering any suggestions. I have to go to a ARD meeting to propose changes for his behavior plan and I am at a loss.


Active Member
What are his 5-10 greatest difficulties? Once we know those, we can help you write goals to address them.

For example, if he gets angry at teachers and yells and swears at them:

Student will ask for a 5-minute reflection in the designated quiet area to regain control. Staff is to immediately allow him to go to the quiet area.

Student will rejoin class after gaining control in the quiet area.

The keys would be to designate the "quiet area". In some classrooms, this was a bean bag behind a partial wall, in some it is a quiet room, in some it is the counselor's or social worker's office. Also, specify how he is to indicate that he needs to go there (maybe a "pass" clipped to his desk that he can grab so the teacher knows he is taking his-5). Also, staff has to be trained TO LET HIM GO. It is not up to them to force him to stay in the room, it has to be his job to recognize that he is loosing control, chose to go to the quiet room, regain control and return to class.

If you let me know more about your son, I'd be happy to brainstorm more goals.


New Member
wanted to write so here I am. I'm not sure if it's just me thinking why but I guess you're like me, will do anything to get help for your child! It is the school duty to provide an Individual Education Plan-it is their duty by law to provide this and to provide the content that is put in it as it is for school and school know what happens there and what the child's difficulities are. My son has had an IEP twice per school yr since he was 6-he's 9 now. The school SENCO (special educational needs officer) should be the one writing this.
It could be a goal like to play with the other kids for 10 mins at a time on 3 seperate occasions. They set a goal and then ask the child to achieve it on so many occasions. This is monitored and the child is rewarded for the improved behaviour. It also is things like being able to read 3 sentences on 10 seperate occasions etc etc. There are different degrees of IEP depending on the severity of the issues. My son is on School Action Plus which is the highest as he requires alot of goals and behaviour changing etc.
Does your child have a Statement of Education Needs? This is a good thing to have and the school or yourself can request one, its a compilation of documents like a Behaviour Report done by a behavioural Psychologist that would go and see your child in school. Things like statements from psychaitrists, the SENCO at school, the dyslexia report if they have that etc. Getting a Statement can mean you can get help within the school for your child.
I bet you know all this already so my appologies if so.
Let me know if you want to know any more.
Take care and you're doing a great job already so keep your chin up.
hugs n hope.


Parents are full participating members of IEP teams and it is the TEAM'S duty to provide an legally correct and complete IEP.

I agree with the approach to list the greatest needs and then write SMART goals that are MEASURABLE. In order to have accountability, the goals must be clearly measurable.

Here is a link to finding out about SMART IEP goals:



I do not know the area your son has the most difficulty, I will tell you what has really helped with my son. (after many meetings and many IEP's)

On IEP it states he meets with social worker 1x a week. Work on organizational skills (do not think this happens)

States: 1x week meet with SE teacher. (not sure what they meet on)

The one thing on IEP that has made the most difference is:

Cool off pass. He is in regular ed classes. All teachers have a copy of this. When difficult child feels anxiety or anger setting in, BEFORE he acts on those feelings he tells the teacher he needs to use his pass. He has one of several people to go to. (all are not there every day). They talk, he re-groups and rejoins class. There are no consequences for leaving when using the pass. He does need to make up whatever he missed. Originally put into place for difficult child to learn to recognize the onset of anxiety/anger. To learn how to respond appropriately.

He has stated on IEP (although never used this year - he is unaware of this)
extended time out. This means if he is extremely upset, and unable to calm down I am called and can pick him up, take him home, to lunch, where ever. When he is calm I return him to school.

He has use of computer for any free style writing assignments. (difficulty writing)

I found that the school will not offer anything for iep. I found many teachers are resistant to following it. I stay on top of things, and will not hesitate to remind teachers of his IEP.

He rarely uses the computer anymore. And most of the times recognizes the onset of anxiety and anger. He is no longer having outbursts in class.