Please help me with a situation


Roll With It
You have gotten some great ideas. I have found that if I make the kids do chores during the commercials then I get a LOT more useable work from them than I do if I just make them do it.

Works for me, also.

You are not alone. I am in this mess with you. Maybe Star can come to my house when she is done with yours?? (surely if we all pitch in we could hire Star to travel around helping us clean out???? And maybe have Raoul come in the last day she is with whomever so we can celebrate the clean home and thank Star.)

If Billy is not willing to pitch in then he needs to go live with Jamie and Billie. I would probably take things like his keyboard (s) and mouse (mice) and game controllers from any game system. Lock them up. Even if you have to go get a storage locker to keep him from breaking into your things to find them.

Billy no workie, Billy no playie!!

Remeber what Fran tells us: Do to Get.

It isn't just for difficult children anymore.


Well-Known Member
How funny that so many of us clean to the Stones! :D DDD

PS: Janet, I didn't think you were well enough to undertake the cleaning increments and with LOUD music maybe it will be aok. Just don't overdo.


Well-Known Member
Well DDD....The problem is if I get down...I may not ever get back UP! Someone may have to send in a crane to get me off the That is where all of the assisted tech stuff fails. I can reach waist level but not to the floor. Sitting in my chair I can do somethings, but even in the chair my countertops are to high to really wash dishes...they arent built for handicapped people. They are both too high and too Im a tall person and they kill my back to stand at them for any time. I cant sit in the chair cause they are too high...I cant stand and lean cause they are too I can use the walker some but the area between the sink and my island is pretty narrow and I get stuck.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

I bet maybe if you make it a game with Keyana........she'll help you! :D Darrin is an angel about that sort of thing. Aubrey doesn't do bad either. At their ages cleaning is still FUN. LOL She can get alot of the stuff from the floor for ya.

Darrin just picked up my whole livingroom. He thinks it's cool to clean Nana's house. :D But too bad for easy child, it's not cool to clean hers. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
In that case, Janet, I'll fight the tide and go back to my original suggestion. I have no idea how much it costs but I know that some companies will bring a storage unit to your property. They drop it off and when it is full you call for them to "tote" it away. Truthfully, in my humble opinion, that would give you faster results and therefore help the depression.

I'm not disabled but I am getting more like a senior citizen every month. My endurance ain't what it used to be. :redface: I have recently gotten a lady to come every other Wed. afternoon to do the bathrooms and run the vacuum and that little bit of help really makes a difference. For the sake of my own peace of mind, however, I do have to straighten the house before she comes. ;) DDD


Well-Known Member
DDD...see...that is why I am afraid to have a cleaning company in...lmao. I would have to clean it first.

I think I am going to do this the toss it out the window way. Im pretty sure someone will come thru and pick up the junk off the lawn! Oh not the paper trash but old furniture or junk that will fit thru a window is going out a Easier for me. And its closer to the burn pile.


Well-Known Member
What about having company? Does that motivate you? I know that is usually when my house gets its best cleaning.
Would you be able to pretend you are having company by a certain date?


Roll With It
Iff tossing it out the window works for you then go for it!! I had a couch that had swallowed a cell phone and a number of other things. I got the couch used for thirty bucks in great shape. Except it was PINK.

When we moved no one I knew wanted it, so I took a prybar, hammer, saws and whatever else worked and ripped it apart. Then toted it in pieces to the dumpster for the apartment complex.

The tearing up was cathartic and getting my stuff back (Plus SEVEN remotes I didn't know we had!) was great. If this is something you can do and then have him or billy tote it away, go for it!