Sadly, if our mentally ill daughter didn't have SSD and didn't also have her dad as designated payee making sure she had a roof over head, she would very likely be homeless. Other than a need for more shelters and services for the homeless and the MI, I'm not sure I see the direct connection with expensive frivolous toys.....but it is sadly ironic.Years ago somehow it was decided to let families take care of their relatives who are MI, but we all know that rarely works out well. The institutes of years ago were often horrible. Instead of fixing them, they were abandoned. I can't "make" our adopted daughter see one hour planning skills and no cause and affect reasoning. It is like some kind of nightmare. Thank goodness for SSD and that she accepts her dad as DP. These are blessings, but it is still a diff. Struggle. Although we are grateful for the aid that's available, it's ashame that more good help isn't provided for this population.