UpAllNight - My son has sleep issues. Somestimes he falls asleep at 4pm and sleeps all night. Other times he won't sleep at all thru the night and will be fine all thru the next day, as well. We've done sleep studies, etc, trying to find a cause, but thus far have not.
The 2 days he fell asleep at school were after he'd gone to sleep around 7pm the nights before. He did not fall asleep at school the day after we went to the movie.
His sleep problems and their impact at school are addressed in the IEP, yet the principal decided he didn't like it on Wednesday and called me to come get difficult child, instead of doing what the IEP says. The para, it seems, was standing outside the room where difficult child was sleeping reading a newspaper. Apparently, principal didn't like that.
He also blames me for difficult child's sleep problems. It surely HAS to be something I am doing at home that is making him overly tired.
FWIW, this same principal decided difficult child would only go to school half days, also. And when we started to lengthen his day, the school is not providing a 1:1 for that time " I'm leaving work every day to go to school to be my child's para for an hour and a half because the school won't provide one that can/will work with my son during that time.
I don't want my son at school sleeping. However, since principal decided he only goes half days and they are not giving him any tutoring outside of school hours, he cant afford to waste time not being there when he does wake up. He rarely sleeps more than 15-30 minutes " it would take me longer to get there to get him than he usually sleeps. Besides that, both times this week that he fell asleep was after they locked him in the little closet/aka safe room for misbehaving. He was behind the nurse's office, principal's office, and secretary. Any of the 3 could have watched him sleep without keeping a para tied up, even tho its in the IEP to keep the para with him at all times.
My son also has sensory issues and owns 5 pairs of the same pants. That, too, is in their notes, but I'll bet its also in their notes that he wears the same pants nearly every day.
difficult child 1 slept a lot, too. He literally would fall asleep in the car daily during a 4 minute ride. I had him checked time and again, too, and they found nothing. And all of us run a lower-than-normal temp by a significant amount. We rarely run a high enough "fever" to get thrown out of any place, but if we hit 99 or 100, we're sick, and even tho the school nurse won't send them home at that temp, I keep them home at that temp. I hate is when others send sick kids to school or who go to work sick. That's one time its not nice to share.
On a good note, I heard thru the grapevine last night, from a pretty reliable source, that principal pretty boy is leaving after this year. Can you guys hear me crying???