Problem with Cory on job...


Well-Known Member
No it isnt McKenzie that is autistic. Billy has been dating this girl for well over a year now who has been in the army and she is FINALLY getting her divorce. This is the girl that he was dating in HS but her mother convinced her to break up with him back then by telling the girl that Billy was cheating on her. As if. One thing my boys dont do is cheat on their women. Heck, Billy has a hard enough time getting one woman to go out with him much less two at a time...lmao. That is incredibly funny. Now Celeste realizes how awful her mother was to say that and believes it was a lie. Celeste's mom is a bit on the loony side. Celeste's daughter Crystal who we believe is high functioning autistic. It could also be a very bad case of parental neglect while she was off serving during the war. She was away from home serving two tours of duty during this childs eary life. She is only just turning 5 right now and her father had her most of her life. He never enrolled her in any school or daycare. Actually homeschooled both her kids. Oldest boy is 10. Crystal is not potty trained according to Celeste's mother. Now we are not entirely sure if that means both day time and night time or just night time. If its just night time I am not that worried. Lots of 5 year olds still wear pull ups at night. But supposedly she is having issues in kindergarten but if she has never been to any sort of daycare of even a church nursery I can see being thrown suddenly into kindergarten being a shock. They are having her tested. Both kids seem very quiet and subdued. It is thought that Crystal may have been abused in some way. Doctors have not been able to find evidence of sexual abuse though. Hymen is not intact but that isnt proof.

As far as me and Buck...I am going to start watching myself extremely closely. I will only eat what I fix for myself. My stuff will come prepackaged. That will be easier now since I have this tooth easier anyway. I shall spend most of my time in my room when he is home.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone ever see this movie where Kathy Bates dug a big hole, and had her husband chase her -then he fell in and was gone forever? Who lives near Janet that can dig (for Buck, not Tony)? What, the guy is a drifter, he just left on his own (wink).


Well-Known Member
That was Stephen King's "Delores Claiborne"! And I think that's an excellent idea! Whoops! He fell!
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Shooting from the Hip
Whenever someone says Kathy Bates and Stephen King, I think of Misery... Eee.

But, yes, I think this is an AWESOME idea! Now how to keep Cory out of it...


Well-Known Member
I have the awesome luck of getting stuck at home here all weekend - from tomorrow morning until early Sunday morning while Tony and Cory go to Nagshead to do a small job. They cant start the job till about 7 pm Friday night but they are living about 7 am in the morning so they can get some time in fishing. I suggested since it was only the two of them going that I go too but then I found out Mandy and the baby were tagging along this time since she is having a bit of baby blues and feeling all upset that Cory is gone working every day. I remember those days. I will stay home and let her have the time with Cory and Tony. Tony falls asleep early and sleeps hard. He wont hear a thing they do in that room...lmao. They could swing from the rafters and have all kinds of kinky sex and he wouldnt wake up! She will enjoy herself. It will do them good. See...they do get along when Buck isnt around.

And if Buck was so much better, dont you think he would be the one going? No, he takes the one he can get the most accurate work out of.

I made a really good swiss chocolate cake tonight. I made it in a two layers. When Buck has been trying to make his cakes for us he has been mixing his cakes by hand even though I have offered to give him the electric mixer. He says he does just fine. Well that isnt true. You need to mix them thoroughly for two minutes on medium to get air in them to make them light and airy. His always come out dense and more like cornbread. He also always never gets his icing all the way down to the bottom of the cakes. I always ends about halfway down the cake. He just cant cook or bake as well as he thinks he can...simple as that. Well he ate just a tiny piece of this cake tonight and said it was "just alright...not as good as his cakes" LOL. Yesterday I made an excellent dish called rigatoni ala vodka. He barely ate any of it even though we assured him there was no alcohol in it. I even showed him the recipe. I dont think he can read or comprehend well enough to know more than the title though. That dish is excellent but he barely at any. I actually doubled the recipe because normally when I make any pasta dish there is hardly enough to go around because everyone goes back for seconds and sometimes thirds! Hate to tell him...that is what is for dinner tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
Janet, I had to smile at your last post... because you're getting a bit of your sense of humour back, which is IMPORTANT. On top of that, maybe Tony IS figuring out which side his right hand man is on... and it ain't Buck. Maybe? Slowly? things can start to turn around? I'm hoping.


Well-Known Member
I tried to tell him tonight that one of the medications that the docs have Buck on is lexapro and bucks "friend" who is really his girlfriend but he wont use that word because he thinks it is a sin told him it is a psychiatric medication. Buck swears she is almost a doctor. She worked in a drugstore as a checkout person. She is also smart enough to actually use a computer. Difference is she is also an addict and lives in a sober house. Buck swears when she went to court she didnt get any charges. Well then, why is she sentenced to a sober house and not allowed to leave it for x amount of time, not allowed to do certain things and is on probation. Sounds like someone was convicted of something!

Well Buck is now of the mind since he found out it is a psychiatric drug he wants off of it. Says he doesnt need it. The doctors put him on it by telling him it was for a serotonin issue. They didnt explain what that meant. I did. I also told him he just couldnt stop taking lexapro cold turkey because it would really mess up his brain and cause all sorts of ugly problems for him up to and including seizures. He is convinced that because he hasnt done hard drugs in the last couple of years...and he calls hard drugs heroin or meth...cocaine and pot and alcohol are okay...that he is fine. Oh and something called mescaline. He did that back when he did meth and heroin. That stuff basically leaves your brain dead. It leaves your brain not able to make the serotonin anymore so you need medicine to put it back in. And he thinks he doesnt need this medication. If he doesnt take it he really will be hell to have around. I think he may have stopped it and that is why he has started getting more and more paranoid lately. I am going to institute a NO BIBLE talking policy in my house the very next time he starts up here. Every time he walks in the door he has some new BS thing to go off on. The latest was marriage. He isnt married, never has been. He knows Tony and I arent married and the only people in our family that are is Jamie and Billie. I think he said this right after we told him Jamie had been married and divorced already. Also Billy's girlfriend is going through a divorce...and her father is a pastor. Well Buck said...the only way you can get out of marriage according to the bible is death. I about bit his head off.

Then tonight he started complaining about how the working with Tony is so hard but the ride is really hard. Really? He sits and sleeps. Tony drives it and has been doing this for the last 30 years. I dont want to hear him complain. He comes up with saying...well he has gone all over the country to work places. I said well Buck...have you had a family to take care of while you did that? Have you had to take care of 3 kids while you did that? Have you had to keep a roof over your head and anyone elses head? And where is that roof now? He said that there just arent any decent god fearing women out there that want to teach their kids to know Jesus anymore. Oh give me a break. I said oh really? Why would those women want anything to do with you? He asked me if my kids went to Sunday school. I said nope. I didnt believe in organized religion. He said oh you are an atheist. ARGH


Shooting from the Hip
Janet... If you need some really good Bible zingers, PM/FB me. I have LOTS of them (and a good friend who can find me more!!!). "Judge not lest ye be judged" - which Buck seems to do A LOT OF (what, did he become "god" all of a sudden?!) - is a fairly innocuous one. And it fits...

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Hi Janet,
Do yourself a favor and try not to engage him in any deep conversations. You will save yourself a lot of grief. My difficult child did that to me all the time, and I'd be roped in. husband would just sit back and watch us get into it, and later told me not to get "wrapped around the axle" with's a waste of time. Good advice - now I don't bite when he lures me in. It's so hard though, I want to just get inside his brain and make him think straight, but it's an exercise in futility.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Sounds like meth and mescaline really burned out a majority of his brain cells. I'm not kidding.

I really got a huge chuckle out of the cooking/baking thing. M is the same way. The first night they arrived I had a huge home cooked meal ready. Beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn bread....... At first the grands ate because they were literally starving, but after the first mouthful, in between bites they couldn't praise/thank me enough for the food. That happened with anything I cooked/prepared for them. On the one or two nights M got it into his head to show me how he was taught by a 5 star chef....the kids were disappointed he was cooking. All that praise for my food really really got under his skin and drove him nuts. After I banned him from the kitchen........(after I saw how he cooked and he ruined my brand new expensive cookie sheets) omg you'd have thought I was torturing him. He was livid. His kids were thrilled. lol Don't blame them. He would grab already prepped foods and do some really weird stuff to them claiming it was a recipe. Some was barely edible, the rest was just gross. My food was the first home cooked food they'd ever eaten. Poor kids. But at least he tried, more than I can say for Katie who can't boil water.

Buck coming off the medications is likely going to speed up the process with Tony. If you have the cash, honestly.......I'd grab the dogs and camp out at a motel room for the weekend. I would NOT be alone with Buck all weekend. Nuh uh, no way.


New Member
Do yourself a favor and try not to engage him in any deep conversations. You will save yourself a lot of grief.

CJ beat me to this very good advice. I would be using earplugs or headphones whenever that idiot was around.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't even talk, respond, engage in his craziness. Why should you upset yourself? I'm glad Cory and Mandy will have a little vacation, and I'm sure Tony wil be glad to be away from Buck, never admitting that to you, of course. Buck knows your cake rocks! Who doesn't like cake? He tries to hurt your feelings, never take anything he says to heart. EARPHONES! I agree! Good more cake and pasta for all of you. Buck is absolutely crazy, just laugh at him- he'll hate that. I'm so sorry for all this, hopefully he'll be gone soon.


Well-Known Member
I agree, Janet. If it's at all possible, just tune him out, don't even respond to the crazy stuff he says, don't let him bait you in to discussing those things with you. He's pushing your buttons, just trying to draw you in to it, because every time you get in to it with him it's, one more opportunity for him to try to make Tony side with him over you. If you have some earphones, put them on, even if you're not listening to music ... just pretend you don't hear anything he says and completely ignore him.

One thing I've learned is that it does absolutely no good to try to talk with people like that or to try to reason with them! My ex was (is?) just like that! He did drugs in his younger days and has been a serious heavy-duty alcoholic since he was a teenager ... although he was an accomplished BS artist and covered it up well. And you just can't indulge in serious substance abuse for that long without killing off a heck of a lot of brain cells! And once they're gone, they're GONE! I'd talk to him, he wouldn't remember it. He'd say things or do things, then just totally deny it ever happened, or fly into wild rages. He'd come out with all kinds of crazy off-the-wall stuff. Try talking to him for a while and before long, you wouldn't know which way was up! Just crazy-making stuff! Thank God and Greyhound he's GONE, but from what I hear he's seriously in to drugs now too so whatever brain cells he had left are probably gone now too!

It might actually end up being a good thing if Buck goes off his medications! If he's next to worthless at work now and then his behavior becomes even more bizarre off the medications, seems like it will almost force Tony's hand where he will have to do something about him. Surely Tony won't allow Buck to put his job in jeopardy, risk his livelihood for his brother!


New Member
I know this is not real life...but did anyone ever watch Everybody Loves Raymond?

There was an episode when Ray's wife (who was constantly criticized his mother, baited, undermined, etc.) decided to kill her with kindness. She said thanks for all the unsolicited advice, asked for help with her (according to mother in law) terrible cooking, etc. It was pretty funny. Didn't work the way she planned but it was an interesting thought! Dont know if I could stomach that with the things Schmuck says but just saying.... would mess with his head a little.


Well-Known Member
Ive been trying that one Buddy. nothing works! It backfires. Now my major issue is my little dog. I have a very small house dog that we keep in the house all the time. he goes out just to potty. I know for a fact it bugs the hell out of Buck because every time I turn around he has put the dog outside. Every night when I go to bed I hear my dog barking at the front door to be let in. I go to bed when Tony does and Buck is always sitting in the living room watching TV. I have made some rather pointed comments to him that the TV works just fine in his room so why doesnt he go in there when we go to bed but he just goes...Oh I know it works, I just like to sit out here. argh. Well I have told him time and again that we dont leave my little dog out all night. He is an inside dog. Tony has told him. the last two nights when I got up to get him Buck was still up and I walk up to him and said to him...I just had to let Buddy let him out. I told you not to do that. Dont do that again. What happened tonight? Same thing.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Well, I can honestly say, that was something M was bright enough to leave alone.........was the dogs. He thought Betsy was adorable until I informed him that Basset's can be vicious when needed and I've seen them jump as high as 6 feet to get at a man's throat. (I left out the part that it was a different dog and husband's throat) Nor did he listen to me that Molly is protective over children "in her care". On top of that Molly, I kid you not, remembered Kayla and Alex (by scent most likely) and was thrilled to have them back in her she was being more than her usual vigilant. He must've did something when I wasn't around because she went from barely tolerating him to biting him in the rear. It got so bad when they went to go places I had to put Molly into another room, she did NOT want her 3 charges to go with that "man". lol So he learned fast to keep his distance because he also learned I didn't call her off either. Molly is smart, and she has a fantastic ability to read people.

How does the dog do around buck when you all are up and about? Could be he makes Buck nervous so he puts him outside and won't let him back in.


Well-Known Member
Ooooh, that would be the last straw for me! NOBODY messes with my dogs! I'd just have to kill him! Janet, can you take her in with you when you go to bed? When you live out in the country, a small dog just doesn't belong outside unsupervised, especially at night! Too many "critters" out there that could hurt them!

It's amazing how dogs are such good judges of character! Way better than people! My son used to have a very large yellow mutt who was a real sweetheart but was really protective of his yard and his family. If he was outside, NOBODY came in to his yard without permission! The only one he ever bit was my ex! If I was closer I'd loan you my Ms. Freebie for a while! Nobody messes with her more than once! She's never bitten anyone but she puts on a very good show!


Well-Known Member
Tony and I are now not talking. He is out of town as I said but he cut his phone off on me when I called him to throw a fit about something. That really ticks me off. I pay for the phones! Granted if we went back and forth on who paid for what between the two of us its even..but still..he cut his phone off so I couldnt talk to him!

Before Tony left on this trip for work we had made the decision to have our St Patricks Day dinner on Sunday because they wouldnt get back in until late tonight. Makes sense right? So what do I find out this morning when I leave my room to go out shopping? Buck has started cooking the meat. Well I didnt actually know he had done it when I left the house. I didnt find out till I got home from shopping at about 4 pm. I left at about 11ish. I thought what I smelled was what he had cooked for himself for breakfast.

I get home and I really smelled it and I asked him...what is cooking? He said he was cooking that meat for the dinner thing. I asked...the corned beef? He said yes. I almost yelled...but we arent having that until TOMORROW!!!!! I hadnt even bought the potatoes!

He just shrugged and said "well I called Tony this morning and he said it was okay to go ahead and do it." I was livid. I asked him if he didnt remember we discussed that we were going to have it on Sunday? He said yeah but he called his brother cause he wanted to change it. So I called Tony and he told me he told Buck to check with me! I said well why in God's name does he have to call you about anything like this. I AM HERE! I should be the first one he goes through. So Tony is mad, I am mad...Tony tells me to go out and turn it off and put it in the fridge since we dont have the potatoes anyway. I go out to do just that and I find out it isnt even corned beef! He bought the wrong dang thing. He bought a regular beef brisket. Not Corned. Do you know how tough one of those are? You really need a pressure cooker to make one tender. Tony and I have basically no teeth at the moment. How are we going to eat this thing? I didnt want to do the corned beef for that reason. My idea was corned beef hash to be honest. Thats probably what I will do with mine. But I have no idea what on earth we are going to do with this beef brisket thing he has cooked. It is unseasoned, boiled, icky, and I dont know what else to call it. This cut of meat is what Tony was going to buy to grind up with venison to add some fat to it to make burger. It isnt a cut of meat you actually want to eat!

This guy is stupid. I am sure he would have cut up the cabbage and wondered why it wasnt good.