
Love me...Love me not

Sending many gentle ((((hugs))))

I'm not sure that anyone was deliverately trying to hurt you, but I do get the impression that your nerves have been absolutely rubbed raw and that you have reached a point where you just cannot take any more pain.

I hope you will get a few days of peace and calm for yourself.

Woudl the day program be helpful toward getting difficult child to take his medications regularly? That might make a huge difference right there.


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Kjs, my apologies to you if I was too blunt ~ I believe I commented on the day treatment option that psychiatrist suggested & your response.

As to paying for day treatment - it came down to our school district & insurance.

Saying the above, you sound simply exhausted. When/what are you doing for you? I'm dead serious here. If I didn't have something that was mine & mine alone I'd have lost my mind a long time ago. difficult child is old enough to be left for a couple of hours while you wonder a bookstore & get a cup of coffee.

You need time for you. Whether husband agrees with all that is going on he can give you a couple of hours to yourself. I paint & play piano; come summer I'll be back on a golf league through my rehab center.

Let go of the chaos for now; it will be there once you regroup but let go of it until you regroup.


Well-Known Member
Kjs...sorry you got your feelings hurt. I dont think anyone really meant to do that but I can understand why you feel that way.

About the medications. Yes you need to follow the docs advice and somehow get difficult child to take the medications. I know its going to be difficult because your difficult child isnt one who wants to take the medications. Somehow you are going to have to find a way to make this happen. If it means watching him take them, including checking his mouth after he swallows them...so be it. It may be that you have to cut out the stimulant if it really isnt working for him all that well and makes him tired. I would hate that feeling.

You know...I always say for myself...and I always told Cory...that when taking a medication that I would give it six weeks and if I didnt like how I felt on it after that time or it wasnt working, then we could change. Maybe you could try that same approach. Six weeks is an appropriate time limit to see a change or to give side effects time to go away. Now obviously if you are allergic to something you stop immediately.

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