Keista, that's fine. I decided to post it not realizing I hadn't. As I was typing it, I realized it is a cop with a "score" to settle because he didn't get his way that night. The more I wrote, the more furious I became all over again. The judge IS very level-headed and takes EVERYTHING into consideration. That's why I want her to have EVERYTHING there is to show her the WHOLE picture.....something the other 2 idjits don't have....or want. Guess I shouldn't say that about the prosecutor yet since he only has the cops report to go by so far.
TM, I am not going to tell difficult child 1 until I have to, which will be soon since I have to take him for fingerprinting. I don't want his anxiety to go up....and it will. That's why I'm trying so hard not to show MY stress. Yes, his psychiatrist knows. We have an appointment on the 27th so we can get something in writing about pre- and post- medication behavior to show it WAS caused by the medication.
I want to thank all of you for being here for me. You don't know how good it makes me feel to know I'm not crazy and that I have shoulders to lean on. THAT means alot. THANKS A BUNCH!!!