Here we go again!
I sent off an email to the counselor at the GATE middle school where I'm transfering difficult child 2 for the Fall, expressing my concerns about his transition there and the services he would need, yada, yada, yada.
Well, she replied this morning and I am just thrilled!
I have been overly worried, I guess -- probably projecting the doubts of his current teachers that he can keep up in an accelerated environment. He's a bright kid and can do the work and grasp the concepts, just maybe not handle the volume of work in some areas... that's where the IEP comes in and clear communication with the new school.
I'll let you know how the meeting goes in a few weeks!
Well, she replied this morning and I am just thrilled!
Thank you for your email. We are excited that difficult child 2 will be joining us in the Fall.
Mrs. S is the School Psychologist at (our school). We thought it would be helpful for all of us to meet to discuss the transition types of support available for difficult child 2. We would like to invite our 7th grade GATE teachers to stop by the meeting to introduce themsleves and even possibly meet difficult child 2. Would this kind of meeting be ok with you? ...
I have been overly worried, I guess -- probably projecting the doubts of his current teachers that he can keep up in an accelerated environment. He's a bright kid and can do the work and grasp the concepts, just maybe not handle the volume of work in some areas... that's where the IEP comes in and clear communication with the new school.
I'll let you know how the meeting goes in a few weeks!