Resources for my niece with Schizoaffective order


New Member
Good morning,

It has been a long time since I posted here. My drug addicted, shizoaffective niece, is coming up on a year in a lockdown mental health facility. She has come a really long way, and also seems to be somewhat stable on her medications. The staff of the facility feel as if it is time to give her "step down" services, which means she would be discharged to a board and care facility. Her medications would be administered by the nursing staff. However, other than going to AA meetings, she has no plans as to what to do with the rest of her day. She has a 15 year history of chronic drug abuse. All they offer is medication admin, and a curfew. She is free to come and go as she pleases. I think we all realize what will happen next.
As her LPS Conservator, it is up to me when and where she is placed. Her mother ( my sister) have been down this road of addiction with her dozens of times.
Her father has now reappeared after a 20 year hiatus of no contact with her. They both agree that they would like me to supervise her, forever. WHich I am willing to do, but it seems like although they have the financial resources to help, they have not offered any type of concrete solution.
My sister has over a million dollars in equity in her home, but her plan is to buy a condo with her POS boyfriend, and eventually sell all three properties, His hers, and theirs. And then move to AZ where she can HELP me with HER daughter. Help me? This is her daughter not mine, and this is years away. Her father, spent his entire career as a firefighter, he has substanital savings, and a healthy pension. He also feels that I would be the best caregiver for his daughter.
The issue is: I have very limited financial resources. I have about 100K equity in my home. Which I would like to leave to my 4 sons.
I feel like they are expecting me to use my limited resources , such as : sell your home and move back to CA, and find somewhere to live with her. I offered to stay in my sisters home, and care for her daughter, but I would not be paying rent. She has two other adult children, who contribute NOTHING, they dont work, and they leach off of my sister. One is 33, the other is 26. They hate one another. I said there would have to be rules that apply to all of the children, such as: contributing to the family chores, getting jobs, etc. But she doees not want me telling her adult children what to do. Even though they need a good ass kicking. The father, has hinted that he might help, but nothing set in stone. I was very blunt, because he asked for me to be blunt. I stated that if he bought a house, ( which he can pay cash for) I would live there and care for his daughter. Between my social security and her SSI, and with some help from In Home social services, we could contribute about 3 k a month for expenses.
I feel like I am being manipulated and very taken advantage of. I realize I am co-dependant. I would have to up-end my life, which I have worked hard to maintain. I appreciate my peace and quiet. I work part time, and am very active in my community. And they expect me to walk away from my peaceful life and step into a pile of :censored2: for their daughter. I feel so guilty for even framing them in this way, but they are taking advantage of me. How can I resolve this? Should I just walk away from it all? If the roles were reversed my sister would never even contemplate caring for one of my grown children. That would be my job, not hers. This is eating me alive. Any advice is appreciatted. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me like you are being taking advantage of, as you said. You have to decide what you are willing to do, how much you are willing to give up, or if you are ready to just say NO. Personally, I would say no. To all of it. To being a conservator, to moving to CA, to moving your niece in with you, to your sister...

When is it your time to shine?

Fairy dust

Active Member
Please take a few steps back and breathe. This is a huge decision to make and it sounds like your sister, and father of the niece are trying to get you to shoulder a responsibility which should be theirs to carry. You have had your family, what makes you want to take on this responsibility? How will this impact you and your family? How will this impact your health? Your finances? You state you have a peaceful and fulfilling life. Why are you not protecting that? Why aren’t you standing up for you? I agree with KTMom when she says “when is it your time to shine?” Please just take some time. Maybe even hash some of this out with a therapist. . You owe no one anything, You owe you everything! Hugs!


New Member
It sounds like you've become an 'enabler'. You have strong feelings for your niece. Even if you think you're the only one who can properly support her, it is time to say 'no' to your sister.

A complete rejection of an idea is often the strongest place to begin a negotiation. If it all fails, you can back down, but now is the only time to object. If you raise concerns once your niece is ensconced, your sister may placate you by 'buying time'.


I agree with Ktmom, fairy dust and laugh. As you have described it, this situation has red flags all over it. It’s totally reasonable to say “full stop” now, before you get any further into this, and make a full assessment of the reality you would be getting into. It seems to me you already have serious reservations; don’t ignore your own internal alarm!


Well-Known Member
Just curious, have you talked to a social worker and ask if the court can name a conservator? Not sure what other "titles" they use for this position. Usually a person who makes sure there bills are paid, etc

My mom had one, and my brother was named as her conservator. But, some old man from her church manipulated her in to getting married and moved her to a nearby state and got a court to drop the conservatorship. About 6 weeks later she had a mental break and ended up in the hospital and the social workers contacted me and my brother and we both declined. They appointed some one to have control of her finances and pay her bills.

Just throwing this out there... Look at all the options. Ksm


New Member
You are living independently. Why would you trade independence and your own security to get in a sheet hole where they could manipulate you to do anything they want and jerk the rug out from under you? I think you’d end up being abused and used. You better drop this like a hot potato. They are well off. They have all the means to set up a trust to care for her and use resources available. if they won’t care for her the state will probably take over. The niece is also a drug addict and an adult so she is making bad choices. The drugs cause or exacerbate the schizo disorder. It’s just as much her fault as the parents. Stop making excuses for these people. Also check yourself to see if internally you get some stroking of the ego for being some kind of savior. Sometimes this can be a form of narcissism. You might need some counseling as to why you are enmeshed with someone in an unhealthy way. Why is she your favorite niece? Does the reality match your perception. I bet you if you detach from this her parents will step up to the plate. What I write sounds harsh and .i don’t mean to sound like some kind of attack. But sometimes what we perceive and what is reality are not the same thing, sometimes we see what we want the person to be rather than who they actually are. I let my daughter jerk me around until I figured out she’s never gonna be right and that I had to let go of dreams.

Fairy dust

Active Member
I agree fully with Kat9 and the others. Stay away from this for your own well being. Focus on yourself and your own family. People can only be saved if they want to save themselves. Hugs!