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J had a very full day today. My two brothers have been here (unusually) and we said goodbye to one and then the other came to the village with his family before driving out to the airport. Long story short - it has been two years since he saw them, he doesn't really know who they are, I think he perhaps felt anxious and was on his "worst behaviour": wouldn't stay with us as we walked around the village, kept going ahead on his bike, ignoring my shouts to return (on the road), was generally rather loud, annoying and obnoxious. Then they went and he went to play with his friend who spends weekends in the village and is 9 years old; they go off on their bikes and the older boy takes the walkie talkie, communicating with me regularly. They ended up spending the afternoon together - the boy stays with his divorced dad and is not under much supervision; they ate sweets, cakes and watched television freely (called on them a couple of times in the house). Once in a while is okay, I guess though I wouldn't particularly want this to become a habit. They both arrived back at the time I had set for J, after talking to the other boy's dad who obviously helped enforce it. J immediately wanted to leave again to show the other boy his den... I refused and ended up holding him on his bike while I told the other boy to leave and go home. J then went into an explosion of anger and tears. However... it was so obvious it was the tiredness/over-stimulation/sugar that I just let him rant and rage, picking him up firmly and putting him inside, without feeling any anger or irritation or desire to get cross with him. A first for me! He tried to scratch me a couple of times on my hands... I just restrained him. I remained perfectly calm and even sympathetic and after about 5/10 minutes he began to calm down. I let him watch tv - might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb - while I prepared supper; when his programme finished, he accepted meekly that I turn it off, ate his supper, had his bath, brushed teeth, story and is now fast asleep with the dog curled around his head...
All of which to say that... I must be getting a little better at reading the signs when J is just reacting to sensory conditions rather than "being naughty". It certainly felt peaceful to be totally unmoved and unhooked by his intense emotions... here's hoping I'll manage it next time too
All of which to say that... I must be getting a little better at reading the signs when J is just reacting to sensory conditions rather than "being naughty". It certainly felt peaceful to be totally unmoved and unhooked by his intense emotions... here's hoping I'll manage it next time too