Sandy, the "super" storm...........


Well-Known Member
I saw folks surfing on whatever lake is in Chicago. (yes my geography is sorely

But yes I agree that I dont think that emergency personnel should have to risk their lives in these storms to save idiots who have been told to get out of the water. I would be extremely ticked off if Jamie died trying to save some idiot who decided it was the perfect time to go walking his dogs along the river that was overflowing its banks when they had told people to stay inside. You can take your dogs outside in your back yard.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Just woke up. It's snowing, heavy snow........and I do mean heavy, as in weight. Also we have this sort of ice /slush thing going on that seems to be about an inch thick........which of course is also heavy. ugh. Streets are clear, at least main ones. Snow plow went by as I was letting the dogs into the yard.

Our schools are closed. Probably a good thing. Branches on trees in my yard are already drooping pretty darn low. Sort of odd for just an inch of snow. Nichole says there is still school where she is, I don't think she got snow yet. We had high winds last night but they seem to have died down this morning and I see no damages in my immediate area. (although I have no plans to go out and find out lol) You step outside and you are wet in like 3 mins. ick

Mollly got all excited. She has always loved snow. Maggie is not quite sure what this white junk is or what she's expected to do with it. lol

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I need to revise my response.........

We do still have wind gusts. Maggie just went out again...........romped full tilt in the darn snow for almost 10 mins before finally deciding to do her business. I'm soaked.


New Member
They say there is a bubble of high pressure over us (MN ) so the weather from sandy and the stuff coming from the west is being deflected keeping us around the mid 40's. Halloween is supposed to be 50ish. It seems so odd and I'm not complaining. My family is mostly in Ohio.
The fires are heartbreaking. Listening to a volunteer firefighter saying how he couldn't even help his own family. He ended up trapped then thought they would have to jump in the water.....Lots of prayer going out.


Shooting from the Hip
It's pretty windy here, but then, we're fairly landlocked (closest body of water is the Great Miami River, and it's not that awesome). It did, however, snow - just enough to completely coat the deck and yard in white. Blech. Weather gadget on my desktop says it's raining.


Well-Known Member
We are fine. Lots of very heavy wind and rain. Yard is littered with tree limbs but thankfully none of the huge trees blew down. If even one of them fell our house would be a disaster. Roads closed, trees down all over. My easy child is without power, she lives just 10 minutes from me. difficult child had a huge tree blow down next door to her apartment. I found out when I got a text alert that a call was made to 911 from her phone!!!! Her street is blocked.

All in all we survived with just some property damage and clean-up. Honestly from the sounds of it outside I was afraid to see the light of day. It's still raining nonestop since Friday afternoon and is projected to rain until Friday. We have a lot of flooding, there are a lot of streams connected to the rivers that run through our area which always flood. Haven't seen a lot of locall news yet so extent of damage is unknown.

We are lucky but my thought to everyone else.

Janet I heard there is a lot of snow coming down in Blueridge Mts in NC.



Well-Known Member
My niece lost part of her roof. The ceiling caved in the kitchen so lots of water damage. Everyone is ok. My mom is gritching about being couped up. So all is good.