It took me awhile to grasp the concept of the
addict talking. I could not separate the two. Addiction is
desperation infinite. Our d cs in this desperate state will say and do things they wouldn't normally if sober. Understanding this helps me to step back from the pain of it. It does take work because words hurt, theft of time, valuables and our hearts,
I try to look at it as an adult acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum, ramping it up and pulling out everything in their weaponry to try to get what they want.
When we are entrenched and wrapped up tight in the emotionalism of it all, we are hovering on the same crash course as our d cs. That is the machination of manipulating. They want us to be frenetic and distraught, so caught up in the game that we don't know where to turn, what to do, or say.
It takes work to untangle oneself from the mess of it.
The first thing is to recognize what is happening. The next, and hardest, is to change our way of thinking and reacting. Inside and out. Our instinct as mothers is to rush in and rescue. We learned to put our own lives on the side to care for our d cs as babes, children. As our children grow, become adults and slip into this path, many of us have gone backwards towards denying our own lives to try and
save our d cs from the consequences of their choices. We would give anything for them to be on the right track. The problem is, they don't want to change, and us sacrificing our hearts, homes and lives, does not help. So, eventually we see this. Put our foot down, take steps to change our response.
I don't think I have to be spoken to like that by anyone especially from my child. That was not the first time he has spoken to me like that, but it will be the last time
Good for you RB. No, you should not be spoken to like that. You are his
mother. Many of us have blocked numbers, gone no contact, taken a break from the craziness to get back on our feet. It is a "time out" for us to rebuild and switch focus. It is
not selfish to take care of ourselves. Self preservation. During this time, keep posting, keep reading and searching for ways to build yourself up.
Your son is an adult. He is capable. There is help out there for him, if he chooses.
We are not rugs to be tread upon. We need to believe this and teach this to our d cs. It is hard, addicts using drugs, use people. They especially target family, because our love for them continues to forgive and try and try to help. Our love keeps us saying yes, but love says NO. No, I will not be disrespected, no, I will not support this lifestyle choice, no, you must become self sufficient, NO, I will not flail and flounder, while you are.
Then the YES becomes, yes, I will rebuild, renew, rethink, reprogram what I CAN control.......ME. Yes, I will be kind and gentle with myself. Yes, I will build a shield to protect my heart, think with my brain, move forward with my feet. Yes I will do everything I can to strengthen myself. It is not
selfish, it is self preservation, self control, self care, self
These are strengths that are thrown to the wind of addiction. I am seeing that when we are so wrapped up in the desperation of our d cs pathways, we parallel their course of self destruction. It doesn't do them, us, or anyone, any good.
I apologize for this being so long, but I am writing to myself, as much as I am to you dear. One thing I have found in being here on CD, responding and posting, is the repetition has helped tremendously. The act of reading and writing and trying to put to practice has helped pull me up and out of the pit. I don't want to be there anymore. Life is too, too short.
If my two decide to linger and languish with this lifestyle, that is
their choice. I do them a great disservice by simultaneously self destructing
along with them. Of course, this does not mean I am always strong and resolute, I have my moments. But, I am determined to build myself up and live my life.
I think it is the best thing, to lead by example. Show our d cs by caring for ourselves, that they can do the same.
I hope you find peace today. Hugs for your hurting heart and hopes for you to continue forward towards taking care of your needs.
You matter very, very much.