Scared of what's to come 6yr old (this post took me 2 yrs 2 write *or have the guts 2


Well-Known Member
I quadruple the cautiousness. Therapists are NOT trained to diagnose, but often try without having the proper training. Also, a behaviorist in my opinion is not going to be able to help a differently wired child. They tend not to respond to the old standby methods such as behavior charts or time outs. Also, they tend to blame the parents.

Good luckk! Please keep us posted.


New Member
Update -
Hi all. I wanted to give you a quick update. We have the appointment set for 2/16 to meet with a therapist that will advise if that center will do any testing or not. This will be with L and I. I also scored an appointment at the Childrens hospital for a Parent Intake meeting tomorrow (there was a cancellation). The actual Nuerophsyc evaluation appoint will not be until July, but if tomorrow goes well they may try to get him in sooner on a cacelation. I think because he is so young, they want him in as soon as possible. Thank you all for the wonderful advice! I also wanted to share a site I found. Its a dr in Orlando (actually found it by accident) on the site there is a posting board with so much information on Sensory Issues. Not that you guys don't already know your stuff, I just thought I would pass it along!
The Sensory Show - Part 3