"Alternative school" can mean different things in different parts of the country. What comes to my mind when there's an "alternative school" involved is that it is a placement for kids that are behavior problems and little teaching is done.
If this is the type school your child is in, and has been in for 3 yrs, your school district is out of compliance with the law (unless parents have agreed with-the placement by accepting it in the IEP). Also, if they are not following the IEP, they are non-compliant.
https://web.archive.org/web/2008051...0/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/06-6656.pdf :
Under section 615(k)(1)(F)
of the Act and section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, if the
behavior that resulted in the change of
placement is determined to be a
manifestation of a childs disability, the
child must be returned to the placement
from which the child was removed
(other than a 45-day placement under
§§ 300.530(g), 300.532(b)(2), and
300.533), unless the public agency and
the parents otherwise agree to a change
of placement.
When the behavior is related to the
childs disability, proper development
of the childs IEP should include
development of strategies, including
positive behavioral interventions,
supports, and other strategies to address
that behavior, consistent with
§ 300.324(a)(2)(i) and (a)(3)(i). When the
behavior is determined to be a
manifestation of a childs disability but
has not previously been addressed in
the childs IEP, the IEP Team must
review and revise the childs IEP so that
the child will receive services
appropriate to his or her needs.
Implementation of the behavioral
strategies identified in a childs IEP,
including strategies designed to correct
behavior by imposing disciplinary
consequences, is appropriate under the
Act and section 504, even if the
behavior is a manifestation of the childs
disability. A change in placement that is
appropriate and consistent with the
childs needs may be implemented
subject to the parents procedural
safeguards regarding prior notice
(§ 300.503), mediation (§ 300.506), due
process (§§ 300.507 through 300.517)
and pendency (§ 300.518).
You do not have to just accept what a school district tells you -- as the parent you are a full member of the IEP team. When dealing with a sd that believes it's acceptable to leave a student in an alternative school for 3 years, you have to know your's and your child's education rights. I
strongly, strongly urge you to get an advocate to help you with this.
http://www.yellowpagesforkids.com is a good place to start looking for one.
When was the last IEP meeting? What's in the IEP? What's his qualifying eligibility category?
If you son has been in an alternative school for 3 yrs without instruction, I'm thinking he must be way behind academically. When was the last time he was fully evaluated? Has an FBA ever been performed?