She made me cry today...


Well-Known Member
Not Duckie, but the school nurse. I had dropped off the letter from the doctor releasing Duckie from the allergy table & food restrictions. The nurse looks at it and says "You know she's over the food allergies because you're a good Mom, right? You stuck with it and kept her health in the forefront."
I lost it! :crying: I guess I'm not used to getting positive feedback on my parenting.


New Member
It's always nice to get positive feedback. I can understand why it left you emotional. Doesn't happen often, that's for sure. I'm glad she recognized it!


New Member
I send you a big hug TM! I'm so happy for Duckie and for you too. What a major milestone...I follow you and Duckie and your stories and I'm just so happy for you guys!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Wonderful news for Duckie! :bravo:

You worked so hard in hope of this. It's so nice when someone notices the hard work you do.



Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. It's been an incredible mixture of relief and thankfulness. Inhalant allergies are bad, but so much more controllable environmentally and with medicine. I'm beginning to feel some weight lifting off my shoulders.


Mom? What's a difficult child?
I am very happy for you and your little, broken, but good family!!! Not so broken anymore!!!

Congratulations... Ducky must feel good. The knot must be untying in your stomach over food... Hopefully you can enjoy food again as a family.


Oh, I'm so happy for you and Duckie!!

It feels wonderful to get that "pat on the back", the recognition that you work hard at motherhood and especially the "extra" parenting required by a child with health issues.

Sending you another validation of your good mothering! Your involvement in Duckie's school, Daisies, playdates, etc is a beautiful gift to your daughter! :flower:

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