Take some time today to stop and recognize your own strength. It takes a LOT of strength to put boundaries in place when things have gone this far astray. Reward yourself for this strength and for paying attention to your gut instincts. ALWAYS listen to those gut instincts, esp about your kids. You have them for a reason - they are rarely incorrect. Don't let hubby or son or any professional convince you to ignore your instincts. You know your son best and esp those professionals haven't spent enough time or invested enough in him to be more of an authority on what is best for him.
Your hubby wants easy, no fighting, no doing the hard work. Or so it sounds like. His take on this is dead wrong and has contributed to your son's broken status. I hope counseling is enough to wake your hubby up so that he can see the very real problems that your son has.
One strategy that might work with son is to make him EARN the time he spends online with She. Chores, going to activities outside the home with old friends, engaging in the world, getting his work done, all these can earn him time online or on the phone with She. If he wants to talk/interact with her, he has to do x thing or things and each one earns y minutes to be spent with She. Refusal to do things means no time with She. Just a thought.