Short update


Well-Known Member
Father does NOT have cancer, but is still very sick.

Everything is going well. I stand by my belief that I had misconceptions about many things.

Please pray for my father and know that I am feeling rather silly at s ome of the conclusions I drew about the remaining members of my FOO. Please validate my knowledge. I am choosing not to share the private parts of what is going on here. I hope you all can appreciate my decision.

Thanks to all my friends. May you all find peace.


Well-Known Member
That is fantastic news about your father. I hope his health improves by leaps and bounds. It gladdens my heart that you are able to have a better relationship with your family.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Please pray for my father and know that I am feeling rather silly at some of the conclusions I drew about the remaining members of my FOO. Please validate my knowledge. I am choosing not to share the private parts of what is going on here. I hope you all can appreciate my decision.
I will pray for your dad Swot, I believe positivity and prayers are powerful. My dad pulled through some very challenging illnesses.
We began calling him the miracle man, I will hope the same for your dad.

I appreciate your decision Serenity and your honesty. It is okay to keep things private. It is okay to make mistakes and draw conclusions we regret. It is a part of being human. We all have our own perspectives, and have opportunity to change our minds about how we think, react and feel.

I pray the best for all of you in this difficult time. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, and we have to be able to forgive ourselves also, for the mistakes we make. We are only human.

May your journey forward fill your heart with peace.

You are a loving and kind person, and I truly value your cyber friendship and sisterhood here at CD.

Thank you for being you, Serenity, you have given me and many others great comfort, through this hard road we are on.

I pray that you find comfort through this time, and your dad recovers.

My thoughts and heart reach out to you dear.



Well-Known Member
Will keep your father in my thoughts and prayers. You are a good person. You made assumptions based on whatever was happening at the time. The fact that you all could communicate about those feelings and come to a different understanding of each other is remarkable and not often the case. So many times we continue harboring resentments and are not open to resolution. I have always felt that each day is a new beginning, no matter what happened before. You have a great opportunity here, you have the rest of your life now to shape a different relationship with your family. How awesome is that.


Well-Known Member
What wonderful news, that your dad doesn't have cancer!

I am so glad that you get more time with him, and your renewed relationship with your siblings!

pigless in VA

Well-Known Member
I am very sorry that your father is ill, but I am very happy for you that something wonderful has come from your visit. A wise friend told me that "nothing is ever all good or all bad." Good for you for keeping an open heart and learning something new.

Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
Please pray for my father and know that I am feeling rather silly at s ome of the conclusions I drew about the remaining members of my FOO. Please validate my knowledge. I am choosing not to share the private parts of what is going on here. I hope you all can appreciate my decision.

I do pray for your Father, Serenity. I feel that I know him, almost. I am so pleased that it is not cancer. I wish him comfort and the love of family, and time.

Do you know that I was working this weekend, and a 91 year old man flirted with me?!? I know he was 91 because he did it right in front of his wife. And she talked to me about it in the sweetest way, and told me so. Then? He came back and wanted to know whether she had told me how old he was.


It was very cute.

I thanked him for flirting with me.

And he gave me a rueful look and we all thought about being older and etc, but it was a good thing for us all.

One of the men in my Tai Chi class is 93. He was very sick this Fall, and we believed we were going to lose him. He is back in class now, courtly and brilliant and such a pleasure to know.

I wish for your father a strong recovery, Serenity.

Please never feel foolish for trying with all the integrity in you, to understand how to create of your life something warmer and more beautiful. We all get to make as many mistakes as it takes. What I do know is that it takes a very big person to admit she may regret having believed what she most sincerely did believe.

I am more happy for you than I can tell you Serenity that you are able to be with your family. We feel protective of you, Copa and I. So at first, we were all spines and narrowed eyes and suspicion. But at the exact same time, there will not be two people happier for you (that you are happy and well cared for and cherished) than we are.

I tried to add that picture of the person hugging the other one? But I cannot get it to come here. You know which one I mean.

So, let's just pretend that I put it right here:




So...the Enoticons don't work anymore. I am trying to choose something I like as well as I like those little guys hugging and laughing.

Oh no, you guys! The one with the stars is gone, too.



Oh, yay.

Here they are. All my favorite things.

This one, too: :angel3:

Now I can communicate, again.


Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
Please pray for my father and know that I am feeling rather silly at s ome of the conclusions I drew about the remaining members of my FOO. Please validate my knowledge. I am choosing not to share the private parts of what is going on here. I hope you all can appreciate my decision.

I do pray for your Father, Serenity. I feel that I know him, almost. I am so pleased that it is not cancer. I wish him comfort and the love of family, and time.

Do you know that I was working this weekend, and a 91 year old man flirted with me?!? I know he was 91 because he did it right in front of his wife. And she talked to me about it in the sweetest way, and told me so. Then? He came back and wanted to know whether she had told me how old he was.


It was very cute.

I thanked him for flirting with me.

And he gave me a rueful look and we all thought about being older and etc, but it was a good thing for us all.

One of the men in my Tai Chi class is 93. He was very sick this Fall, and we believed we were going to lose him. He is back in class now, courtly and brilliant and such a pleasure to know.

I wish for your father a strong recovery, Serenity.

Please never feel foolish for trying with all the integrity in you, to understand how to create of your life something warmer and more beautiful. We all get to make as many mistakes as it takes. What I do know is that it takes a very big person to admit she may regret having believed what she most sincerely did believe.

I am more happy for you than I can tell you Serenity that you are able to be with your family. We feel protective of you, Copa and I. So at first, we were all spines and narrowed eyes and suspicion. But at the exact same time, there will not be two people happier for you (that you are happy and well cared for and cherished) than we are.

I tried to add that picture of the person hugging the other one? But I cannot get it to come here. You know which one I mean.

So, let's just pretend that I put it right here:




So...the Enoticons don't work anymore. I am trying to choose something I like as well as I like those little guys hugging and laughing.

Oh no, you guys! The one with the stars is gone, too.



Oh, yay.

Here they are. All my favorite things.

This one, too: :angel3:

Now I can communicate, again.



Well-Known Member
One of the men in my Tai Chi class is 93. He was very sick this Fall, and we believed we were going to lose him.
Cedar, do you know his living situation? Does he have help? A wife?

I like this man a lot. I did not remember he was ill.

SWOT, I missed this thread. I am sorry your Dad remains ill. I am glad it turned out he did not have cancer.

Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
Cedar, do you know his living situation? Does he have help? A wife?

His wife died many, many years ago. He lives alone, in a beautiful home near the water with many steps, without help. He was hospitalized this past summer and acquired first one and then, a second infection while hospitalized. When he came back to class, he talked briefly about what had happened. It was just something that had happened. He did not feel victimized or blame anyone.

That is what is healthy about him. He is able to accept what is for what it is. This is the feel of him, on every level.

He is brilliant I think, and curious about everything. He speaks about the level of mathematics that brings that science into the level of the intuitive, and which has been used to describe the formation and structure of the Universe, mathematically.


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