Should I fight for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) diagnosis??


New Member
It is a FEDERAL timeline and is CALENDAR days not school days (common school district trick - they didn't lke it when I laughed at them for that one but it was stupidly funny - I had researched every different thing Wiz struggled with, did they honestly think I hadn't researched this process too? Seriously???) and the state may shorten the timeline but they cannot make it longer.

Yes it has changed over the years here ... legally.... but MN does less than the federal mandate so they can say school days because in the end it still adds up to less than the federal guide. so the bottom line is to make sure you know the amount of days allowed. In the district we worked in... we wrote the day that the evaluation was due ON THE permission to assess form so that every staff member and the parents all knew. It is not good to be out of compliance and we always tried to avoid that for everyone concerned. You can ask them up front... so when is the last possible date this will be completed??? and then write that on the perm. to assess form so you can remember.


New Member
Oh my... I feel like in the middle of a tornado. Trying to understand how everything works and how things are connected.
I barely know how the American school system works! On top, I have to navigate Special Education. I am very thankful for all your help. I don't know what I would do without you guys.
husband is following our web conversation as I report it to him on the phone. He thinks a second opinion would be good and sure cannot hurt. We paid out of pocket for the first one, the Teachh is free so really: why not?
husband tells me to just follow my Mommy gut an just keep on digging until we are satisfied with the answers.
From experience, we know how doctors can be wrong and miss important clues. Partner was misdiagnose by a lung specialist who insisted he had asthma although his lung function was good and sysmptoms did not respond to medications! After walking out of the office and a lot of research (and our dear pediatrician's help), partner was finally accurately diagnosed and treated by a gastroanterologist!
Doctors don't know best.
I will keep you posted on any new development. You are SO MUCH help.


New Member
OH HUGS! Yes, it is overwhelming when you try to take it all in. For now, you have step ONE. You and husband are on teh same page, getting the second evaluation. and second opinion. Great place to start.

Now, just go play with your kids! LOL

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