" this morning she was crying and saying her brain didn't feel like it was hers, she was poking her sister and saying she felt out of control and started crying, and saying she had no control over her body, and could someone else have taken control of her???"
I feel so bad for her. She obviously gets it but just can't help it.
Poor kid (you too!)
I have my own difficult child, I also work in childcare and have had a hand-full of other people's difficult child's over the last 20 years. Here are some things that have
sometimes worked. (if you haven't tried them already)
*Try giving a warning, (this is my best weapon, I use it for
every transition: "Okay, in 5 mins it will be time to put on your hat!" "Okay, 3 more mins." "one more min, then it's time!" Then proceed to talk to the other people around you about how cute etc. the hat is, maybe take turns trying it on and compliment each other saying that you want one too!!
*Discuss loudly with the others around you about hot bad the sun is getting today, is there anything we can do about it, etc. make sure she can hear you.
*Tell her that when she puts on the hat (or do whatever you are needing her to do) that you will be so proud of her that you will jump up and down and say "Yeah!!!" Then, when she does it, jump up and down and say "Yeah!!!" Be very silly when you do. You might even get requests for it later.
*What about a behavior chart? She gets a sticker for each good behavior and when the she gets all her stickers she gets a reward, like one day with out a hat!! (lol)
*When she's telling you that she is aware of the out of control feelings, sit down and talk about it. Ask her what you can do to help her when she feels this way, offer suggestions and ask her it she would be able to respond to these ideas. When she's in a calm state she may be better able to articulate what she needs you to do. (or it might start another episode, who knows?)
Good luck and I hope you get back to you routines soon!!