So, uhmmm, I rec'd a phone call.....


New Member
LMAO Big Bad Kitty
...:rofl: Right on..

I can see it now...He's reading the job section of the newspaper when all of a sudden he excitedly jumps up spilling his coffee all over the newspaper..."I can do this!" He is in disbelief, there is a job he can do after all:

Position available immediately:

Must communicate efficiently with patients and their family.
Demonstrates good phone skills.
Capable of handeling and defusing a crisis situation.

Gosh this guy is good. He's a keeper. Definately DMV or State employee qualified.
This is SO sad, but I kid you not. That man, and people like him, are the reason that I do not talk to people. I hate the phone. I hate talking to anyone. I do everything I possibly can online. I don't go to movies. I'll wait a year until it comes on TV. I just hate dealing with 95% of humans.

How bad does that bite?

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
You guys are too funny! I was tempted to say "And your point is?". Seriously, some of these workers must con their way through the interviews & training. They haven't a clue about working with difficult children.

Thanks ladies! :flower:


Active Member
How dare he interupt your respite weekend! Linda, I think you should have handed the phone over to Raoul.

Phone calls like this, you gotta just love them. My favorite are those from my kids who are having some kind of crisis (like "The kitten is crying. He's hungry!") so they call me when I'm across town instead of calling down to their dad who is in the basement.
The comic Ron White did a schtick that was comparable. He was talking about his new bride, who had come from money, and had not really done much for herself for most of her life.

The set up: He is away on business in Atlanta. She is at home with the dogs. She calls the hotel where he is staying and has him tracked down. She needs to talk to him right away because it is an emergency. So the hotel goes into full panic mode, trying to find him. They finally locate him. He gets to a phone, and he's freaking out a little (and half hoping that her parents keeled over, because that means that she will get the inheritance, lol).

His panicking wife tells him that the dog pooped on the carpet. He's like "That is the emergency??" She says "you don't understand. There is DOG POOP on the CARPET!" "And what would you like me to do about that? I'm in GEOR---GIA!" Finally he tells her to put a paper towel over it. He makes a joke about her being too lazy to take the dog outside.

So he says he comes home and there are paper towel tents all over the carpet. He called it "poopapalooza".

It was so funny. Keep in mind, this is a stand up schtick, timing is everything, and the guy just has the best faces.


Active Member
LOL BBK, a mom I know was in the middle of a business meeting in Minnesota when she received a phone call from her kids back in Tennesee asking if they could make popcorn. The dad was HOME!


Dad is never home here so I am the only word, not just the final word...but some of the stuff they call me at work for is ridiculous. I've been known to say, "THAT'S why you called me? Are you kidding me?!!"

Don't get me wrong, I love talking to my children. But sometimes you wonder just what it was exactly that prompted them to pick up the phone and ask you or tell you about it. :rofl:


New Member
A few years back I told the kids they couldnt call me at work unless it was really urgent. So after school one day I get a phone call at work from an officer. He said my 7yr old called 911 because his brother wouldnt give him the remote. Boy was I mad and very embarased. I then explained 911 was emergency use only and to call mom first. I also made a list of what was a urgent or emergency situation.
This thread is great for laughs... sorry about the situation that set it off though. What planet is that guy from? And how do they find these people?

BBK you are just too funny for words. First the DMV and then the Ron White joke -- I like Ron White too, I have not seen that particular bit but I can absolutely picture the delivery.

And Desari's son calling 911 'cause his brother was hogging the remote -- priceless! (You should submit that story to Reader's Digest, they'll pay you for anecdotes like that.)