Some good news!


Active Member
difficult child got a job at McDonalds!! And yesterday was his first day on the job and he showed up and showed up on time!!! Miracles do happen!! husband told difficult child that 80% of a job is showing up on time and showing up everyday that you are scheduled! That if difficult child does that, he'll go far.

I've got my fingers and everything else crossed. I'm hoping that difficult child can keep this job and that it helps built up his confidence and maybe, just maybe, it could be a turning point in his life.

Yet, there is a very good chance that difficult child will blow this opportunity and get fired before the end of June, but a Mom can always hope!

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
<down on knees, eyes lifted upward> :praying:

I am SooOOOOOoOoOOooo happy for you. I WISH my difficult child would apply at McD's - seems to be the only place she hasn't applied at!!! I hope he keeps at it!

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