We had a sexual predator in our house, we adopted him at 11 and he acted like the BEST kid to adults (it turned out worse than we knew--info trickled in after he left). If a child perps on one who is three years younger it is not in any way considered experimentation--it is being a sexual predator, at least in our state. This child was tried and found guilty in a court of law of Sexual Assault of a Minor. He was 13. She was 5. She felt very safe knowing he was punished and would not be back. He was sent to a home for young sexual predators. That doesn't mean a child can't rape or hurt a child who is near his age. It's just a legal thing, at least where I live. CPS was not lenient with him. He wasn't allowed back home, which is good, because he had perped so much we didn't want him back. He had threatened the kids at knifepoint to perp. NO, we did not know. CPS did try to help him though. He is 18 now. We wonder if he's on the streets, and it scares us, but he moved and so did we.