To put in a signature, go up to the right hand corner and find your screen name, click on it. You will see a drop down window which has 'signature' in it, click on it. Write your signature as you've seen we've done at the bottom of our posts and when you have written it, save it. It will appear at the bottom of your posts and we will be able to remember your story and how old your kids are, all of your info, which will give us more facts to be able to be more supportive.
I am so sorry you are going through this. If you are fearful, then call the police if your son shows up. You may want to read the article on detachment at the bottom of my post. It is usually necessary for us to get as much support as we can muster, I hope you have gotten that support for yourself. This is a treacherous path and we need all the help we can get to learn how to let go and accept what we cannot change.
Sometimes saying the serenity prayer over and over again can help you get through the night.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
You may want to stop reading those texts for tonight. And perhaps block them. Keep posting tonight if it makes you feel better. I'm here in CA. and it's still early here, so I'm around if you want to post again.
Hang in there, get support, set boundaries around his behavior, do not allow disrespect or abuse and block the texts. Take deep breaths. We're here if you need us. You're not alone.