Son in new place with the programs in compulsive behavior



LOL Janet. I did go look at Dr. Phils website. Turned out I had looked at it yesterday. The treatment centers I found there did not seem as appropriate for him as the other ones I found... so we are looking at two at the moment. I doubt we would get on Dr Phil but although I am a really open person I am not sure I want to go quite THAT public and I am sure difficult child would not want to.

I did get a message from the therapist yesterday and he is going to call the two tx places this morning. From his message he and I seem to be on the same page as to the best scenario. I also had a really good conversation with difficult child last night.... things are opening up a bit between us. I told him I was sorry he was going through this and that I wished I had been able to protect him more and that I had somehow failed him. He told me not to feel that way... I laughed and said has it ever worked when someone told you not to feel a certain way.... and he said no. I told him that I hoped we could have a closer relationship again at some point and he said that I need to know he wants that too. This felt like a good conversation because he wasn't trying to get anything from me so it did not feel like manipulation.

Now if we can just find a good place for him that we can also afford somehow.



Always darkest before the dawn...I have a really hopeful feeling. {{{hugs}}}
TL - That sounded like a great conversation with your son. And you sound hopeful despite everything that is going on.

I hope that you and his doctor are able to find a good place for him - somewhere the can specialize in exactly what he needs.

praying for you!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Tl, I think that you are on the right track about the mental illness. As my difficult child gets further into the DBT program, it seems like she has less need for alcohol. We are really seeing a difference in her.

Your son is lucky that he has parents that are doing everything they can to get him the treatment that he needs. I'm glad that you two are having those good conversations.

As far as . . .

Not so much grace...i just yelled at my h and was a total b*****

If I had a dollar for every time I did that . . . we'd be rich.
