It depends on what you mean by does it ever get better? Do you mean does the drug addict every get better, or do you mean that you find ways Occupational Therapist (OT) handle the stress and worry better?
So as far as the drug addict.... it just depends. There is no guaranteed way for them to recover, and in reality you can not do it for them. They have to want to do it themselves.... now there are things that may push their motivation. For my son getting involved in the legal system and spending some time in jail (after also being homeless) has helped. He is currently doing better but it has not been an easy road.... and he is a long way from my feeling any confidence in his recovery.
As far as you.... this is a time to find really good ways to take care of yourself. Find some kind of parent support group....alanon is one but there are others. Find one you like that has other parents in it. Getting real life support has been a life saver for me. Distraction is good... find things you enjoy doing and do them.... even if your heart is not totally in it. I think over time you can find better ways to find good in your life and moments of joy. I do find that in moments of crisis I still have a hard time coping, but my obsession over it is less all consuming and doesnt last as long.
Part of it is coming to some acceptance of it is what it is. You do not have control over his addiction and you will never have control over it. He is the only one that can choose to do things differently, you cant make him or convince him to do this. He will have to face the consequences of his drug use.... and some of those may motivate him to get sober. For my son this has meant some jail time and really wanting to avoid future jail time.... he is not in a program that is court ordered... if he leaves he does jail time. That is a big motivator for him I think.
Hugs - it is hard.
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